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X Team

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Lower Back University

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16 contributions to X Team
No matter what happens, I will never: - Quit - Abandon my family - Stop fighting for a better world If you want to be strong, you NEED to have unshakeable principles in your life. Something that you will stick to for as long as you live. These are mine right now (I plan on adding more as time passes) I'm curious though, how do yours look like?👇
⚔️Don’t be afraid to piss people off (how to have unique content)⚔️
Don’t be afraid to piss people off. The biggest losers on the planet are the ones that try to fit in. Here’s how to build your brand so good, that it gets your reader thinking about you all day (in a non sexual way): //1// Perfectionism is underrated ━━━━━━━━⁌•⁍━━━━━━━━ "Perfectionism" This word has such a bad rep. “Focus on volume” “ALWAYS do more, more, more” “Stop spending so much time on one piece” Yes. Get as many reps in as possible. But on a fast-paced platform like X, people are flooded with 100+ ideas a day. If you aren’t memorable, you’ll not be remembered. One AMAZING piece will always stick in the readers mind more than 50 "meh" pieces. So ask yourself: “is this the best quality I can produce with my current skills and knowledge? Or am I half-assing it to produce ‘volume’” Be so good they can't ignore you. ━━━━━━━━⁌•⁍━━━━━━━━ //2// Humanize your brand (and writing) ━━━━━━━━⁌•⁍━━━━━━━━ Ever wondered why some brands stick in your mind like gum on shoe, while others just blend into the background? People follow people. Not only do they follow, but they: • Become fans • Buy every product • Believe in you’re vision But that won’t happen if you sound boring af. When you sit down to write, do these 2 things: 1. Speak out loud as you type 2. Don’t filter your words as they come Keep the conversational tone going all the way down the page. Ask the reader questions, get them thinking, engage them into the conversation. If you only give dry value, why would they read you instead of ChatGPT? ━━━━━━━━⁌•⁍━━━━━━━━ //3// Impact comes first ━━━━━━━━⁌•⁍━━━━━━━━ I’ve researched purpose for 4+ years. The biggest lesson I’ve learned: You understand yourself best when you aim to serve the world. • Have a strong vision • Understand the impact you want to make • Build not only for you, but for the entire world If you don’t, you’ll be washed out like the rest (and never make the impact you dream of making) For example, since the day I decided to focus on impact, I've tripled my income and went full-time on building my passion.
New comment May 31
0 likes • Mar 24
You always somehow have the best posts on writing (I think it's cuz you're following your own advice, but don't tell everyone that). Also, I never thought about speaking out loud when writing something, but it sounds too good not to try it now. Tyyy
Everyone says, "Steal like an artist."
Everyone says, "Steal like an artist." But no one tells how. No Problem, I got you. Here's how I steal like an artist. Every post has 4 parts: • Idea • Angle • Purpose • Structure Let's see how to use: ----------------------- 1) The idea -------------- The idea/Main lesson is the why of the post. Fe: Writing is the Greatest skill to learn. Because it helps us to have - • Clear thinking • More Creativity • Better communication Learning to write is a no-brainer. We find the main lesson in the last line: "Learn to write" ----------------------- 2) The angle ----------------------- You can talk about the same thing from a million different angles. Fe: Let's say "Andrew Tate": • He is an Idiot • He is a Top G Explore different angles. And always stay true to yourself. ------------------------------ 3) The purpose ------------------------------ Every post you write should have a Purpose. Why? People are selfish. They will not read. If it doesn't benefit them ------------------------------ 4) The structure ------------------------------ If you take structure and the same idea Then you are a copycat. Instead, steal structure and combine a different idea. Fe: "I lost it all. I lost three months of hard work. I lost 280+ followers. But will I quit? No, a chance." The structure is: • 3-word repetitions • Conclusion PS. I used my tweets as examples
New comment Apr 3
1 like • Mar 24
It's all about mixing and matching ideas and structures while adding your own opinion, your own "angle" (as you said) on top. Great post, bro <3
⚔️Use this to never have writer's block again⚔️
@Lenny Mayer Hope this helps my G. Also anyone else who is facing writer's block? WATCH THIS
New comment Mar 14
⚔️Use this to never have writer's block again⚔️
0 likes • Mar 14
@Aidan Labreche Mega banger
Creating has become a pain
I'm not enjoying creating - engaging - or even responding to my X messages. It has all become more of a chore, Than something I want to do for the rest of my life. I think this is something many people choose not to talk about, But there WILL be moments like this in your journey. That doesn't mean you should give up. It doesn't mean you should run away. I'm a bit swamped with exam simulations and everything appears like being too much. But, of course, that's all it is, an appearance. When you're feeling hopeless, I want you to remember this: Even if it currently sucks, if you have enough trust in the you that started walking this path, Then be sure to walk it to the end. Love ya, guys <3
New comment Mar 9
0 likes • Mar 7
@Phamela Ponce It depends on whether or not I have school that day, but when I'm free, it looks like this: -Wake up -Stretch -Go on a walk -Create content -Eat -Meditate -Work -Workout -that's it :())
0 likes • Mar 9
@Phamela Ponce Either not feeling like doing it before sitting down at my desk. Or sitting down at my desk without any ideas coming to my head :))
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Victor Ciubaru
27points to level up
Working my ass off to change humanity | Turned my trauma into my biggest ally, and I want to help you do the same

Active 8d ago
Joined Feb 28, 2024
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