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19 contributions to SuccessBootcamp
Clear Your Money Blocks - FREE
You have heard the saying, "Everything is Energy" and energy just works whether we believe it or not. My mentor and coaches directed me to these videos and I share them with you. These videos Remove/Transmutes/Blows out certain energies holding money back. At first I didn't believe it... but I still listened to it. Several days later I started getting results in terms of money, and business opportunities. You DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE for it to work... It just WORKS. For those who cannot afford the thousands of dollars to do this. Start doing it for free. After you have gone thru the video(s) leave me a comment in the section below when you experience a WIN. Do not judge the source of the information, just get the information for yourself. Pick one or watch the two videos.
New comment 2d ago
Clear Your Money Blocks - FREE
3 likes • 2d
@Maurice Layne Nope... Its all Energy, so once is enough. You can listen again for the data and information she is talking about.
1 like • 2d
I listen and watched the two videos I started feeling better 6 days later, I started seeing increases in my business, I received two checks out of nowhere, small amounts, but I wasn't expecting anything. And to top everything off I was approached for a business opportunity and I took it. I'm just happier that I watched the videos, so I said let me tell all my friends. You are my friends.
The 6 Steps to REMEMBER in Think and Grow Rich
Pay Attention!!! This is the MOST IMPORTANT formula in the book, many neglect it. Even if you dont understand it WRITE SOMETHING, write ANYTHING. This is the KEY. WRITE SOMETHING down NOW. (Even if you don't believe it) In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill’s chapter on Desire outlines six specific steps for transforming a burning desire for wealth (or any goal) into its physical equivalent. These steps are designed to help you take your abstract wishes and turn them into actionable plans that move you toward success. Here’s how they work. The 6 Steps to Achieving Your Desire: 1. Fix in Your Mind the Exact Amount of Money You Desire 2. Determine What You Will Give in Return 3. Establish a Definite Date When You Intend to Attain Your Goal 4. Create a Definite Plan and Begin at Once 5. Write a Clear, Concise Statement of Your Desire 6. Read Your Written Statement Aloud Twice Daily How to Do This in Practice: 1. Clarify Your Goal: Make sure your goal is specific and measurable. For instance, "I want to be wealthy" is too vague, while "I will have $100,000 by a specific date" gives you something clear to aim for. 2. Commitment to Sacrifice: Think about what sacrifices or contributions you will make to reach your goal. This could be time, effort, skills, or services. 3. Set a Timeline: Creating urgency with a timeline keeps you focused and driven. Setting a definite date is crucial for measuring your progress. 4. Take Immediate Action: Avoid procrastination by starting now, even if your plan isn’t perfect. The momentum you gain by starting is often the biggest step toward success. 5. Keep It Front of Mind: Writing and repeating your goal daily ensures it stays in your conscious and subconscious mind, guiding your thoughts and actions toward it. 6. Believe and Visualize: Faith is essential. You need to fully believe that your goal is achievable and visualize yourself living it. Visualization strengthens your belief and aligns your subconscious mind with your goals.
New comment 2d ago
The 6 Steps to REMEMBER in Think and Grow Rich
The many versions of Think and Grow Rich
What year was the version of THINK AND GROW RICH you are reading or read was published? Let me know in the comments There are more than two versions, and I am not talking about the updated and revised editions... that is another story for another time. Watch this quick video and see for yourself.
New comment 4d ago
The many versions of Think and Grow Rich
2 likes • 4d
I got that from a copy of Think And Grow RIch I bought several years ago. It came with the book.
Quickest way to deal with Aniexty in the world
In life, we do not have time to deal with anxiety and fears, so my friend here told me what to do in UNDER ! minute. Try it and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell your friends or family to watch the video or TEACH them HOW TO DO IT. You might save someone's life. Have a great day Keep Going Everything is EASY
New comment 2d ago
Quickest way to deal with Aniexty in the world
Hello everyone
Hi guys 👋 , I am new here I look forward to connecting and making friends with you all 🤗
New comment 7d ago
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Where are you from and what do you do?
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Zik Ukaeje
22points to level up
I'm an Accountability Partner having been a "professional student" for over 15 years & co-created Success Bootcamp to compress 15 years into 5 weeks.

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Joined Aug 30, 2024
Las Vegas
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