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Wallet Energy
Couple things I’ve learned from more successful people than myself. 1. Always carry cash. The biggest bills you have. Just seeing the money and feeling it keeps your mind in a positive mindset of money. Test it out. See how you feel when you have 3 crunched up random facing singles and 3 crisp hundreds nicely organized. Huge difference. 2. Spend those gift cards. Get rid of wallet clutter. 3. Write a goal card similar to the one I have in this picture. Look at it and read it everyday. The last one I made several years ago led me to a life I couldn’t even imagine at the time. I learned this from a mentor who directed me to “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale. Check it out on YouTube. 4. Lastly. If you owe anyone money, pay it. CC debt, pay it off. And if anyone owes you money, collect it or forget about it. You can’t be wasting energy on an imaginary account in your head. ⚡️Try these things. I promise they help.
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Wallet Energy
Social Media Purge
🔥If you want to optimize your experience on social media, DO THIS. 👇 🗑️YOU MUST FILTER THE INFORMATION, AND ENERGY YOU CONSUME. ❓Why are you following people who do not bring positive value to your life? ❓Why are you following people constantly bitching about things but never doing anything to change it? ❓Why are you following all those girls (or guys) that you’ll never meet in real life, or you’d never have to courage to speak to, even if you did run into them? ❓Why are you still in all those old groups that no longer relate to where you want to be in your life? 👊UNFOLLOW ALL OF THEM. 🔥If you want a generally positive experience in social media AND in life, stop surrounding yourself with old, outdated, negative ideas and people. There’s no room for any of that if you’re trying to achieve a life you love. ✅Instead, join new groups of new things you want to learn, that are filled with people who DO have the same mindset as you. 💯Bottom line is you will become what you surround yourself with. Surround yourself with 💩, your future will be 💩 Surround yourself with 💡, your future will be 😎 🤯Clear your head space for new ideas, new habits, new possibilities!
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Givers Gain
🙏Take 15 secs to read below 👇 There’s a philosophy at #BNI (Business Networking International) called “givers gain”. They didn’t invent this idea though. It’s actually a universal law. That means it’s built into the very fabric of how the universe operates. This principle suggests that in order to receive, you must be willing to give. It’s based on the idea that the flow of energy, resources, and love in the universe is cyclical; what you give out, you eventually receive back. The more you give with an open and generous heart, the more abundance you attract into your life. We’re born into a world where the majority of people have been told that it’s every man for themselves. Most people live this way. Not because they’re not good people. I used to live this way. Just because it seems so counterintuitive to give anything away for free when you’re struggling. 💯I can tell you for a fact that the happiest, most fulfilled, most successful people, live and breathe this philosophy. As soon as I shifted my mindset from being a “taker” of the world to a “giver”, my whole life changed. 🫵Today I challenge YOU to do something for someone for nothing in return. #giversgain #universallaw #giving #generosity
Givers Gain
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