My 100 Days on LinkedIn (Rule of 100 from Hormozi)
If you follow Hormozi, then you know the rule of 100.
I did exactly this. I focused on LinkedIn for 100 days straight.
Here’s what I did and what I did and what happened:
1/ Posted 3 times a week
2/ Engaged every day of the week
Raw Numbers:
+48.3% Unique Views
+57.6% more Followers
+80.3% more Impressions
+356.3% more Interactions
Valuable Business Connections made:
+2 Offline Connections
+5 Online Coffee Talks
+countless new faces under my posts
Revenue & Interest in my Service:
+1 inquiry to speak at a corporate event (2k value for 30 min)
+1 inquiry to support an entire consulting firm (20k value)
+new clients (10k value)
+best summer since starting my self-employment
+best month since starting my self-employment (July)
The Special Part:
+my posts all perform around 1,000 impressions
+and the right people are still reading them
Learnings and Conclusion:
+I do niche, niche, niche content BUT it WORKS!
+I will analyse more and decide if I want to do MORE
+My goal to make LEAD flow more consistent definitely worked!
> If you think you could get some value out of this, like this post and contribute.
> If we get 100 contributions, I will create a post with my exact
> "LINKEDIN Strategie to get 30k offers in 100 days!"
I have nothing to sell to you, I am a physio doing online stuff. ✌️
Momme Jürgensen
My 100 Days on LinkedIn (Rule of 100 from Hormozi)
Accelerator University
Leila and Alex Hormozi’s videos curated into a Business Accelerator to earn a Master of Business Acquisition (MBA)
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