Result: First 2 Month of focused effort.
I've gone to monk mode the last view weeks.
  1. Got really clear on the priority's of my business
  2. Cut off some things that were not on the list (pa. deleted our business accounts on Pinterest and Facebook, quit some side quests)
  3. All in on Instagram and LinkedIn.
  • 3 new leads
  • Got multiple new partners
  • 5-10x the Impressions/Engagement
How we did it:
-By dropping two of our channels, we could optimize the other ones
(Before our Content was optimized for neither of the audiences and platforms)
-Weekly performance check: "which content worked, which not"
*This was a game changer for us*
-subtracting can be more powerful then adding
-Views in the right customer group (for us LinkedIn) >>>>> Views in an unrelated audience (for us Pinterest, TikTok)
-Test things - than review results - than do more of the stuff that works
P. s. Just wanted to share my learnings with you, just my subjective experience what worked for me.
Tim Lüpke
Result: First 2 Month of focused effort.
Accelerator University
Leila and Alex Hormozi’s videos curated into a Business Accelerator to earn a Master of Business Acquisition (MBA)
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