Hey team,
Going to join next week's Media Buying Q&A with and so no worries if you don't get around to this post, but figured it will help streamline my questions next week. Current situation: Launched YT ads early this week following the Classroom methodology, been running them for a few days now and my ads are way out of KPI. WAY out of KPI. $170 CPL. I'm a big believer in long-term, letting the algorithm do it's thing but these were so far out of KPI I've paused 4/5 campaigns for the weekend.
Desired situation: Ads to be closer to KPIs. Perhaps my narrow age demographic is throwing things off? (Has to be parents of high schoolers so I've set the demographic to be only people age 45-54).
Loom video here as I show my data. Thanks for the killer program. I have no doubt I'll get this figured out.