Looking to connect! £5k/mo agency owner
Hi Guys, my name is Alexi! I just wanted to take some time to introduce myself, and hopefully find some like minded agency owners to connect with!
A bit about my journey, I've been up and running since Nov 2022. There were a lot of ups and downs and it was a long road, but I'm starting to see some real progress with my agency!
I started in real estate, but due to various reasons decided it wasn't the best niche for me. I now work with coaches in a hybrid model, helping them with lead generation, but also coaching them on how to close the deals!
For me honesty + actually building a business that delivers on fulfilment was really important. From November 2023 till Feb 2024 I only did free trials to make sure my service was dialled in. March 2024 I came to the market with a tonne of social proof, and undeniable conviction in myself. In that time I also worked a lot on myself as a person and worked on myself internally.
I have since made £10k since the end of March in just under 2 months currently at £5k/mo. With around 90% profit margins! My goal now is to just take this as far as I can. I'm in the process of scaling this and am over the moon with the progress!
The reason I'm doing this post is because I've done a lot of this journey alone, and I decided it's time to start connecting with agency owners and build my network up.
If any of you out there are looking to connect, I'd love for some of you to get in touch to bounce ideas off of each other and just start building more of a network!
I don't know really know how Skool works, but reach out to me on here if that's possible. If not my personal Instagram is here: https://www.instagram.com/alexisfaltos/
Just genuinely looking to connect with some people so feel free to reach out!
Alexi Sfaltos
Looking to connect! £5k/mo agency owner
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