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The Future of SEO – My Prediction
Wrote this as an answer to a question in an email and thought I would repost it here. Future podcast episode to come with more details. 1. Consumer behavior will change: AI will transform how we consume information by personalizing everything for us—news, blogs, emails, etc. AI will increasingly filter these based on our goals and preferences. We’ve already seen this happen with Gmail’s Priority Inbox, and Apple is starting to implement similar intelligence with inboxes and text messages. Eventually, AI assistants will act as gatekeepers for us, much like real executive assistants do for CEOs. Not only will all incoming information be filtered, but it will also likely be customized to highlight only what we want to know. Additionally, AI will deliver this information in the format we prefer, whether it’s text, audio, video, or a combination of formats. Personally, I’m excited about this shift—are you? 2. The media landscape will shift dramatically: Advertising will decline or become a much smaller portion of media companies’ revenue. As a result, they’ll push harder toward gated content, licensing deals, and other new revenue streams. Raw data and reporting will become their primary value drivers since consumers’ AIs will be interpreting this data on their behalf. 3. SEO will evolve in this world: Right now, AI is mainly used by early adopters. When it crosses the chasm to the early majority, I predict that SEO traffic will decline quickly and then taper off, as laggards will continue using Google for a long time. During this transition, SEO will shift toward what I’m calling “AI Priming.” Just as people use Google now, they’ll start using AI to search for solutions. However, AI finds information differently than Google does, and I’ve already heard reports of marketing executives seeing inbound leads coming from AI recommendations. The job of AI Priming will feel similar to SEO, as marketers will try to influence AI results. AI assistants, in turn, will adapt to these tactics, creating a cat-and-mouse game similar to what we’ve seen with search engines.
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Adobe just released this in Illustrator. Who is your graphic design choice?
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New comment 5d ago
Build Your Own Personal Writer GPT (step-by-step)
@Logan Lyles was just asking me if I would still follow the same instructions for building a customGPT for ChatGPT that I publish a podcast episode on earlier this year. The truth is, I would follow a slightly different process now, so I thought I would post it here. Here it is: 1. Get a few blog posts or download all your past content from LinkedIn (or anywhere you write content). Ask Google for instructions on how to download it as this process changes year to year for every platform. 2. Open up ChatGPT ( use ChatGPT w/canvas if you are a paid user). 3. Past in those blog posts or upload the CSV of your posts and include this prompt “Help me write clear instructions for a customGPT that can write content as me, <your name>. Analyze the writing style of the content below taking notes on style, tone, topics, common phrases, likely target audience, and any personal details or stories that could be helpful to help AI write as me later. Pull out any other details you think would be useful to help AI write as me.” 4. Paste what it gives you into the instructions. 5. Upload your posts CSV or PDFs of your blogs to the knowledge area of the CustomGPT. (Optional) 6. Give the GPT a name like Logan’s Writer or something. You’re done. This GPT won’t be perfect, but it should be much closer than vanilla ChatGPT.
New comment 6d ago
Try this
If you’ve been using ChatGPT awhile it knows you better than you think. Paste what it said about you below. I’ll go first.
New comment 6d ago
Try this
Podcast Transcripts 👉 LinkedIn Slide Deck
I’m trying to figure out how/where I should leverage AI (and which tools would work best) for a specific LinkedIn content idea. I have 50+ podcast episodes where I asked a repeat set of 5 rapid fire questions. One of those was about the guest’s top book recommendation. There are use cases for analyzing the responses from the other 4 questions & creating content from them too, but the lowest hanging fruit is to create a list of all the book recommendations first. Ideally, I’d like to create a slide deck for LinkedIn like the one linked below. I’d want to have the book title, the guest’s name/title/photo, and a quote from the guest about the reason for their reco. To turn this into a lead magnet (in addition to the zero click content version for LinkedIn), I’d also want a version (maybe a simpler G Doc or Sheet) that has links to each book on Amazon (with that added convenience giving people a reason to download the gated version). Would love advice on tools to use to analyze, write the content and possibly design the deck (though I could hand that part off to a low-cost Ficerr designer with instructions from AI tool). I don’t think Castmagic can get the details. I already have each episode transcribed so that step is complete already. Here’s the example of what I’m aiming for:
New comment 7d ago
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