You’re working on an animation project ? How can you make your Animation stand out? Well here we'll talk about what you need to know first, what animation Principles you should apply, and how to grow your YouTube Channel Based on what I use to start my channel kinda..... Also this post is never the answer to your success is just a Stepping stone for your success : ) Alright let's goooooo! 1.Before you start animating, you need to have a clear vision of what style you want to achieve. In this case its Countryballs but to be exact which kind? There are plenty to choose from : whether your a meme kind of countryball animator, or you just wanna be a History Countryball animator. Either way the best way to know is finding your Niche or stuff you like the most. for example: You like Memes and Countryball. Well why don't you Combine them both and make funny Countryball Animations like Ottoman but it's Sr pelo stuff like that. 2. Learn the Principles of Animations( I'm not gonna discuss them all instead im gonna put some of them that I think is important) Great! now you know what style you wanna make. Next you wanna know how to Animate that style but how?No Worries well discuss that one by one in the form of the "PRINCIPLES OF ANIMATIONS" • Squash & stretch Why squash and stretch matters? Squash and stretch is not just a visual trick to make your animation more dynamic and appealing. It also helps to convey the weight, elasticity, and momentum of your animated elements. By applying squash and stretch, you can create a sense of anticipation, exaggeration, and expression in your animation. To apply squash and stretch effectively, you need to follow some basic rules and guidelines. First, you need to respect the conservation of mass and volume. This means that when you squash or stretch an element, you should not change its overall size or shape too much. Otherwise, it will look unnatural and inconsistent. Second, you need to adjust the degree of squash and stretch according to the speed and force of the movement.