🙏✝️ Self Improvement starts with PRAYER..
A lot of people seem to think that when you pray you're somehow changing God or what he was going to do
But in reality prayer doesn't change God ❌
Prayer changes you ✅
It forces you to stop what you're doing and focus on love.
And if you focus on love DEEPLY, day in and day out for years on end without missing...you become a completely different human.A much BETTER human.
And even outside of religion, any self-help guru will tell you that the keys to improving yourself include:
🟢 Meditation
🟢 Affirmations, and
🟢 Saying your gratitudes...
Which are all aspects of traditional Christian prayer.
So if you hate how you look, feel anxious in public or just want to improve in whatever way possible...Start with prayer 💪🙏
Joe Jarrell
🙏✝️ Self Improvement starts with PRAYER..
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