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Dads, as we dive into a new week, remember this: You are not leading your family alone. God's strength is with you, guiding you every step of the way. 📖 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." – Isaiah 40:31 This week, as you face challenges at work, in your family, or even within yourself, lean on God’s strength. Don’t try to carry it all on your own—place your trust in Him and let His power renew you. 💥 Challenge for the week: Take a moment each morning to pray over your family and your work. Ask for wisdom, patience, and grace as you lead. Be the example of strength and faith your family needs, not through perfection, but through perseverance. You've got this! Let’s conquer the week with courage and faith!
New comment 8d ago
Bedtime Routine
I wanted to ask you guys how bedtime goes for those of you with little ones. It has been a rough go over here as your two year old grows into his independence phase. We've experience trouble at this age with each of our boys. I've found that consistency is so important. Same routine every night. Consistency with sticking to the boundaries set in place, but still having room for teaching and grace. How do you y'all do bedtime with your littles? What have you seen work for a consistent bedtime routine that fills up your kiddos, and still gives you and your wife plenty of time to hang out in the evening? Stages and phases, y'all. We all go through them.
New comment Sep 10
Is There a Struggle?
One of the things that I believe men struggle with the most is sharing their struggle. Maybe it's because we don't have a friend close enough to be vulnerable with. Or we don't allow ourselves to be present in an environment that fosters conversation like that. Or maybe we are too prideful to allow others to see the real us, and so we keep it hidden. Whatever the reason, understand that there is healing in confession, and encouragement in sharing what is difficult for you to bear. For me, at the moment, I feel the burden of what I've said "yes" to, creeping up on me. I am about to start seminary, coaching two baseball teams, joining a residency program at our church, running my coaching business, hosting a college life group at our home, all while trying to be a great husband and father. I can sit in that fear. Or I can move forward in trusting that whatever God has led me to do, He will lead me through it, as well. Regardless of the outcome, I will have either succeeded, gained wisdom, or there's another outcome I'm unaware of all together. What are you struggling with, dude? How can we come alongside you and encourage you?
New comment Aug 28
Is There a Struggle?
Encourage other Dads on their #dadlife journey here, and look to be encouraged, as well. If you're struggling with something in your family life, share it, be vulnerable, and look to be lifted up with other Dads who've lived it.👊
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