Journalling is dangerously effective.
This morning I woke up to my usual motivational alarm.
I use alarmy app btw to put the song in.
Anyways as I woke up I didn’t do what I’ve been doing the past weeks which is letting myself slip and go back to sleep cuz this time was different.
This time I asked my friend to hold me accountable, that if I didn’t send him a pic of me in the kitchen at 7am that he could “point n go” me, which essentially means he gets to point at a girl and i have to go talk to her.
And so, I do exactly that and avoid punishment.
But then…
Right after I take the picture and set my phone down, I was hit with the recall of the dream I just had.
The dream of someone I (sort of) had a relationship with.
The dream of holding her in my arms, but also slowly walking away from me. (Boohoo i know)
But this fucked with me and as Im frantically laughing (in pain) I realised and managed to again link it back to God.
I thought potentially he was showing the pain that I caused to her by cutting her off and not talking to her.
At that time also, I recalled something I heard from a podcast that every women is Gods daughter, everyone man is Gods son.
Linking it back to my situation, presumably I’ve hurt his daughter.
Not to get to hypothetical and preacher like.
How I think i got to this point was because in the last few days I had been journalling back and recall even (referencing material, she marked my notebook) to tell a story for a video. ( this is basically method acting for recalling memories)
So my hypothesis is that, that got me back in the state of when she was a part of my life.
Hence the dreams.
If you’re wondering why im telling you this story.
Im not so sure myself, but what I am sure of is that this is a “home work for life” a exercise from a book I'm reading at the moment which tells me to record a significant part of my day to
1) see that your life is more (we forget things fast)
2) get a collection of stories (good for youtube)
If you enjoyed or learned something from this make sure to like it if you want more.
P.s If you need advice or help with your social problems/ situations dm me for a call, i wanna see what my peoples problems are
Benji Li
Journalling is dangerously effective.
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