What's your Personagram?
Or rather, what's your superpower?
If you're not sure, you can find your personagram here. The highest set of values is your superpower.
For example, my personagram is ICAS, and my superpower is Inspiring Greatness.
This is part of my ongoing research into archetypes, branding and communication, and how the three relate to each other.
The last time I polled my members in my private FB group, there was a trend towards one superpower. There's also a trend amongst my (favorite) clients.
It's been really fascinating and I'll share results and insights once I get some data. 🤓
(If you're curious what YOUR BRAND'S superpower is [note: this can be different from your personal superpower!], check out the Brand Superpower Quiz. The results page will give you lots of info about how to USE your superpower to make better connections with the people you serve. 🔥)
Share your superpower below 👇🏼
Inspiring Greatness
Making Connections
Providing Structure
Initiating Action
4 votes
Pacha Hornaday
What's your Personagram?
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