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Chiropractic Manifesto
Happy Birthday chiropractic! 🥳 After working with chiropractors for over 15 years on their brands, I noticed a few recurring topics. And I wondered if there's an underlying theme that runs throughout the industry – a similar purpose, a vision and certain core values. But every time I brought it up with my chiropractor friends and clients, I pretty much got the same answer: It sounds like a great idea, but you'll never get everybody to agree on anything. 😏 So I never tried. Until now. Because if you know me, you know my response to "You can't do that." is usually: "Oh yeah? Hold my drink..." 😬 The new brand builder platform we're working with allowed me to speed up the entire process immensely, and really made it possible for me to put this together in record time. The gift 🎁 The result is what I consider my gift to chiropractic. It's a brand strategy for the entire chiropractic profession. I don't even know if that's a thing. I've never seen this done before. The only thing that comes close is the "Got Milk?" and the "Beef, it's what's for dinner" campaigns from the '90s. With Balanced Brand's Vision in mind, I created this document to give new chiropractors the tools to work ON their business, not just IN their business. I call it the Chiropractic Manifesto. It's a 46-page document outlining the Brand of Chiropractic from my point of view. It is meant as point zero for chiropractic communications. This is what everybody SHOULD be talking about. I know that brand strategy is something most small business owners have never heard off, or if they heard of it, they believe it's just something for the big players, the billion-dollar brands. For that reason, I'll be hosting a BRAND STORM session on October 3rd at 11 am ET! Make sure to register!
New comment 1d ago
Chiropractic Manifesto
Tagline vs. Slogan
They're similar but different. Your tagline is directly related to your brand and its core message. Slogans are similar to taglines but they are created around a specific campaign. A brand can have a tagline it uses consistently, and it can also have a number of slogans for various campaigns. Nike is a good example of this. Everybody knows their tagline is Just do it. But over the years they've used many slogans for different campaigns. You can hear the Hero Archetype in every single one of those slogans. They're brilliant! When a campaign slogan is very successful and sticks in the mind of the audience, the brand sometimes adopts it as the tagline, which is what happened with AVIS and their "We try harder" campaign, and it's also what happened with Apple and their "Think different" campaign. Which one is your favorite Nike slogan?
New comment 4d ago
Tagline vs. Slogan
What's your Personagram?
Or rather, what's your superpower? If you're not sure, you can find your personagram here. The highest set of values is your superpower. For example, my personagram is ICAS, and my superpower is Inspiring Greatness. This is part of my ongoing research into archetypes, branding and communication, and how the three relate to each other. The last time I polled my members in my private FB group, there was a trend towards one superpower. There's also a trend amongst my (favorite) clients. It's been really fascinating and I'll share results and insights once I get some data. 🤓 (If you're curious what YOUR BRAND'S superpower is [note: this can be different from your personal superpower!], check out the Brand Superpower Quiz. The results page will give you lots of info about how to USE your superpower to make better connections with the people you serve. 🔥) Share your superpower below 👇🏼
4 members have voted
New comment 7d ago
What's your Personagram?
Do you have a brand? 🤔
🔥 Do you want to know your Brand's Superpower AND how to use it to attract more of the RIGHT patients into your office? Then CLICK HERE. 🦸🏻‍♀️
New comment 15d ago
Do you have a brand? 🤔
Branding explained to a 5-year old
It's so much more than your logo. 🦸🏻‍♀️ Take THIS QUIZ to find your brand's superpower. Then comment below your biggest takeaway from the results page!
2 members have voted
Branding explained to a 5-year old
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Brand Fusion for Chiros
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