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Multi-unit building
Over the last year the province of Ontario has allowed as of right 3 units on one lot. The Fed is pushing 4 units - or, to speed up building - in order to get access to some Fed grant money. The pushback is due to the infrastructure, and by-laws like max height, parking, setbacks, etc. Is anyone seeing any 3s and 4s being built? I'm talking strictly infill. Where? By who?
New comment 6d ago
👋 Welcome, Start Here!
Welcome to the community of future builders! The goal of this community is to make it easier for you to tackle your first build. We are here to share techniques, budgets, mistakes, corrections, and share anything that helps advance each others builds. There is a leaderboard to track engagement and reward members who contribute - here’s how it works: POINTS: You earn points when other members like your posts or comments. 1 like = 1 point. This encourages users to produce quality content and interact with other members in the community. LEVELS: As you gain points, you level up. Your level is shown at the bottom right of your avatar. The number of points required to get to the next level is shown under your avatar on your profile page. In the future, contests will be announced to reward weekly/ monthly leaders, and prizes will be available at certain levels. INACTIVITY: Please note, the intention of this group is to create and active and engaged community that helps everyone involved advance their goals of building a home. If you entered the group during the free start up period, and are inactive for longer than 30 days, you may be removed from the group. NOW TOO, KICK THINGS OFF! Please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your province and city. 2. What's your big why is for wanting to build? 3. Your #1 hurdle, bottleneck, or fear at this point in your journey. 4. Your social media handles so we can all connect and watch our build progress! See you in the comments! Let’s get building! Mitch
New comment 7d ago
Why do you want to self build?
Based on reading the survey questions of incoming members, I'm curious to know which one of these reasons is the primary one that has you interested in self building?
10 members have voted
New in the Community - Planning Retirement Home
Hi Everyone! Thank you for this opportunity. We are a couple from Laval, Quebec who are planning for our retirement home. We just bought a 2 acres land in North Hatley (Quebec) in the Eastern Townships after 4 years of searching and 6 months of negotiations! We are excited to start this journey of house building. Any valuable information is welcome! Looking forward to chatting with all or any of you!
New comment 7d ago
This group still active?
This group still active? - no group calls for 6 months. - Little to no reply on people posts.
New comment 23d ago
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Builder Launch
Helping first time home builders, owner-builders, and those looking to buy land and hire a custom builder to make their vision a reality.
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