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Builder Launch

Public • 469 • Free

Helping first time home builders, owner-builders, and those looking to buy land and hire a custom builder to make their vision a reality.


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43 contributions to Builder Launch
👋 Welcome, Start Here!
Welcome to the community of future builders! The goal of this community is to make it easier for you to tackle your first build. We are here to share techniques, budgets, mistakes, corrections, and share anything that helps advance each others builds. There is a leaderboard to track engagement and reward members who contribute - here’s how it works: POINTS: You earn points when other members like your posts or comments. 1 like = 1 point. This encourages users to produce quality content and interact with other members in the community. LEVELS: As you gain points, you level up. Your level is shown at the bottom right of your avatar. The number of points required to get to the next level is shown under your avatar on your profile page. In the future, contests will be announced to reward weekly/ monthly leaders, and prizes will be available at certain levels. INACTIVITY: Please note, the intention of this group is to create and active and engaged community that helps everyone involved advance their goals of building a home. If you entered the group during the free start up period, and are inactive for longer than 30 days, you may be removed from the group. NOW TOO, KICK THINGS OFF! Please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your province and city. 2. What's your big why is for wanting to build? 3. Your #1 hurdle, bottleneck, or fear at this point in your journey. 4. Your social media handles so we can all connect and watch our build progress! See you in the comments! Let’s get building! Mitch
New comment Jul 22
0 likes • Jun 18
@Christopher Hummell Chris, love to see you in here man. As per my earlier post, the timing in the RE cycle is not advantageous for builders or owner builders at this moment, as builders margins are getting crushed at the moment. The time will come again when we are back in a bull market and builders margins will be accessible to owner builders, and I hope to see some members of this group excel at this time, and I hope to be here to support and add value in that process!
0 likes • Jul 1
@Abralin Tiaga if you are strapped for cash it will be difficult to build, financing is difficult right now and prices are still very expensive!
Construction Loans Extremely Tough To Get Right Now!
Words of warning to anyone who has not acquired land yet but is considering this avenue. I have spoken with several owner builders that have had problems with this recently, and even big builders are under pressure seeing banks trying to shrink their access to credit. If you can get a smoking deal on land right now have a long time horizon, it can be worth considering, but otherwise, you should be aware that this is likely the number one hurdle you will face right now outside of the fact that material and labor prices still have not come down enough to make building your own home lucrative at our current resale prices. At this moment, resale prices seem to be falling faster than the construction inputs to build new (material and labor), so the ideal time to build your own home if your goal is to maximize your upside or value for your dollars does not seem to be at this part of the cycle. I hope everyone is well. Take this time to learn and be patient, the time to buy land and build will return. If you already own land, simply GC'ing your own build at this time can still save you money vs paying a turnkey builder, but if you have not committed to this route yet, beware of the current challenges.
New comment Jun 6
Plans Done. Financing done. What's next
Here is a small update for everyone. Anyone with advice or any initiative to help please comment or PM me. Our plans are done. Here is what is left we have to do. I assume we will be putting the shovel in June. 1) Septic design ($2000-4000) 2-4 weeks 2) Geothermal design (1000) 2-4 weeks 3) Engineered windows/energy report because our windows cover more than 22% of exterior (1200) 1 week 4) Truss and joists Desgin and quotes (free) 2-4 weeks 5) Finalizing survey/ site plan (already paid 12,000... I expect to pay another 2000) 1 week 6) Heat-loss (300-500) 1 week 7) Solar system Desgin (free) to be included on detached workshop roof 1 week 8)GRCA PERMIT (500) unknown 9) building permit/city fees
New comment Apr 5
0 likes • Apr 3
@Ahmad Zee I assume most of them should turn the permits around very quickly right now as they are far slow then recent years. Whats your biggest struggle at the moment then or thing your worried about?
1 like • Apr 5
@Ahmad Zee All good points. from my perspective, current Ontario building standards are already super efficient from a global perspective, and whether or not you want to push to go net zero is more of a philisophic/ values alignment questions than any other. Scheduling and managing the trades is one of the most involved parts of the job. This is exactly what I first thought would be one of the areas people would need most help. If I can give you some basic advice, Schedule everyone well in advance and pre book buffer days for miss timelines, as trying to schedule a bit at a time will massively prolong your build. AKA don't call your roofer once your framers are on the second floor walls. I can potentially help you with this a bit in the coming months. Do you have price contracts with your trades? other than material price changes, labor pressure is slightly downward at the moment, so you shouldn't be in for any huge shocks in my opinion. As long as your plans have been prepared by a liscenced BCIN designer and the appropriate engineering has been done where needed, the permit process is a relatively simple and painless process. compare to land planning applications. The massive delays you hear of are typically in land planning aka rezoning and plans of subdivision ect. What are the terms of your construction loan? Payment schedules for trades should be discuss ahead of time. If they all want to be paid upon completion you can run into cashflow issues depending on how many draws your loan will allow. Payment timing is not a good conversation to have once they have started, this should be discussed prior to commencing work or even having it scheduled in.
Full Coaching Program For Owner Builders & First Time Builders
I started this group many months ago with the intention of it being a simple place to go to understand whether or not building your own home was feasible for you. My intention was that, if it was feasible to build, I would be building out the perfect solution to help you manage your first build with a full video library I had been working on from a real build over a period of 9 months. What I have found so far is that people need far more help with budgeting and feasibility analysis than I first anticipated. At first I thought most of the help people would need would be on the technical and logistical side of actually being in charge of the building process, but I see now that a high level of help is needed from day one. With all that being said, I know that in order to actually help everyone in here move forward meaningfully, I would have to start hosting at least weekly calls, and pulling in more resources, experts, templates ect for people to follow. In order to be able to set aside the time required to do this, I would need the time invested in these activities to produce some revenue to offset the time away from my regular business. I am currently in the middle of considering whether it is best to: a) Leave this as a free group in its current format, more or less user driven without much direct guidance. b) Start to charge some kind of a monthly fee for remaining in the group, but include more direct coaching and continue to build out the video lesson library. c) Start a second group aimed only at the most serious owner builder/ first time builders at a higher one time fee to provide a high level of direct support and consulting. Please take a moment to fill out the survey below, and feel free to chime in with comments or shoot me a DM if you have further thoughts on this topic. Regards, Mitch
23 members have voted
New comment May 12
1 like • Mar 22
@Steven Verbeek Hey Steve, thank you for the Frank feedback, thats what I want to hear! In regards to the 9 months of video, thats just how long it took me to capture it because it occurred over a full build cycle, but once its edited down it will likely be somewhere between 15-30 hours of content. I'm a part of several other coaching groups for real estate investing, online marketing ect, and I find a lot of the value comes from the support calls because of course no generic video set can help answer all of the nuances one will come across in the real world when tackling any type of do it yourself project, especially one with a scope as large as building a home. This is where weekly or more frequent group calls and occasional one on ones come in super handy for getting past roadblocks. Either way I think I've come to the conclusion to leave this group the way it is and do any further type of paid support as an additional external thing or pay to participate workshops occasionally. Editing down the video is a beast of a task that I'm wrestling with as well and trying to decide how much of a priority it is and how much demand there actually is for it or how much it would actually help people, or whether I should just shelf that idea for the time being.
0 likes • Mar 22
@James Joseph Yeah thats where my head is at as well - thanks for chiming in James.
Looking for a software tool that is free where I can throw my numbers on it to keep it together. Excel is okay. But would be nice to have an actual tool or app. Any ideas welcomed. Thank you
New comment Mar 27
1 like • Mar 21
Buildertrend is the one most builders use but it’s not really suitable for one off stuff. In regards to the aversion to excel, is it purely because you are looking for something more user friendly on mobile or purely because you want something a bit more templated in terms of what line items to fill out ect?
1 like • Mar 21
@Annie Pitcher Yes no good free solutions. As with all things owner build though, in order to be able to save 20+% on a GC you need to be equipped to be the GC, which will require incurring expenses the GC incurs, such as tech and software.
1-10 of 43
Mitch Cleary
59points to level up
Canadian Father of 4 Boys.

Active 9h ago
Joined May 29, 2023
Ontario, Canada
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