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detailed cost sheet template
Hey folks, anyone has a "detailed cost sheet template" that can be shared? The bank is asking for that I do not have a template to fill out?
Construction Loans Extremely Tough To Get Right Now!
Words of warning to anyone who has not acquired land yet but is considering this avenue. I have spoken with several owner builders that have had problems with this recently, and even big builders are under pressure seeing banks trying to shrink their access to credit. If you can get a smoking deal on land right now have a long time horizon, it can be worth considering, but otherwise, you should be aware that this is likely the number one hurdle you will face right now outside of the fact that material and labor prices still have not come down enough to make building your own home lucrative at our current resale prices. At this moment, resale prices seem to be falling faster than the construction inputs to build new (material and labor), so the ideal time to build your own home if your goal is to maximize your upside or value for your dollars does not seem to be at this part of the cycle. I hope everyone is well. Take this time to learn and be patient, the time to buy land and build will return. If you already own land, simply GC'ing your own build at this time can still save you money vs paying a turnkey builder, but if you have not committed to this route yet, beware of the current challenges.
New comment Jun 6
Construction loan
I’m having a hell of a time sorting out financing… any one have any good resources or contacts for construction loan?
New comment Mar 21
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Builder Launch
Helping first time home builders, owner-builders, and those looking to buy land and hire a custom builder to make their vision a reality.
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