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Maximizing Efficiency and the 25-5 rule
Often, I find myself wondering how I can most efficiently complete a set of tasks without losing focus. One activity that helps me stay focused is incorporating planned breaks. When I do school, personal, or extracurricular work, I tend to follow the 25-5 principle, otherwise known as the Pomodoro Technique. In this method, you work for 25 minutes without distraction on a specific task, and once the 25 minutes are up, you take a 5-minute break. It’s important not to lose too much focus during the break, so I advise against checking social media. However, something as simple as a quick meditation or checking your email can do wonders to refresh the mental energy needed for the next task. Anyway, I hope you find this information valuable. The 25-5 rule has made my work much easier, and I hope it does the same for all of you.
New comment 3d ago
Know Your Goal
If you could have the perfect job in 5 years, guaranteed, would you take it? Obviously, yes. But how would you even know if it was the perfect job? Do you actually know what your ideal job looks like? Maybe it’s in-person, or maybe it’s remote. Maybe it involves managing people, or perhaps you prefer minimal human interaction. Maybe each day looks different, or maybe you thrive on routine. The thing is, people often chase success without ever defining what success means to them. The best way to counter that? Define where you want to go. Write down exactly what you’re striving for—then learn to love the journey of getting there.
Know Your Goal
Imagine Someone Told You...
…that they had achieved one of the following (see poll options). Which sounds better to you? Chances are, one resonates more—but here’s the truth: both can be equally impressive, depending on how they’re framed. The lesson? Simple: Track all your successes, and document them in as many ways as possible. Yes, it takes time and can feel tedious, but when it’s time to update your résumé or prepare for an interview, you’ll thank yourself for having a comprehensive list of achievements ready. Pro Tip: Be sure to present your accomplishments in multiple formats—some as absolute numbers and others as percentages. The more data you have, the more flexibility you have in showcasing your skills.
7 members have voted
New comment 8d ago
Your Strengths Are The Solution
Just wrapped up another interview. My 3rd company in the 3 weeks since my departure from my last job. When I started interviewing, I was worried that my tripled income criteria would hold me back. No more, and never again. Indeed's algorithms kept sending me positions on the lower end of things, but I persisted. After scoring 2 interviews and updating my offers, Indeed recalibrated and started sending me six-figure jobs that meet my skill criteria. None of these jobs are the same. One is a furniture company, another an advertising firm, and the last a wealth management company. In every interview, I chose to respond to questions using theoretical brainstorming instead of speaking from "experience" because some experiences I just don't have. Turns out, employers love this because they seek novelty and innovation. I've realized today that my ability to brainstorm or hypothesize can rival any competition that knows the field itself. Sometimes, your imagination + ambition is the very solution someone is seeking.
Quick Tip
If you don’t know how to solve a problem, you can fix it by: 1. Turning off your phone 2. Getting a pen and paper 3. Not moving from your desk until you’ve got a plan of action Bonus points if you solve problems on the weekend.
Quick Tip
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