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Q&A/Community Update is happening in 4 days
Upcoming Events
Hey everyone! Excited to share the upcoming events for the next two weeks—mark your calendars! Monday, Sep 16 @ 6:30 PM: Join us for a live Q&A session. This is a great chance to connect, exchange ideas, and collaborate on shaping the future of our community. Wednesday, Sep 18 @ 7:00 PM: We’ll be featuring a Member Spotlight with @Simon Kinsinger! He’ll be sharing his journey from studying biblical studies to becoming a financial advisor. Simon will also dive into key insights about his industry and hard-earned lessons that could benefit us all. Monday, Sep 23 @ 6:30 PM: Another Q&A is on deck—don’t miss out! Wednesday, Sep 25 @ 7:00 PM: Stay tuned for our next Member Spotlight—details to come! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Job vs. Career: Shift Your Perspective
Exciting news! More classes are coming soon, but first, let’s dive into the foundation: What really defines a career vs. a job? How do these differences shape the way we approach our professional journey? This class breaks it all down. Check it out and get ready to rethink how you perceive your career! 👇🏻
New comment 7d ago
New Class Available: Get Comfortable with Skool!
Exciting news! Our first class is now live in the Classroom tab. If you're still getting familiar with the Skool platform, unsure about the post categories, or curious about what's coming next, this class is perfect for you. It only takes a few minutes to get through and will help you feel more comfortable navigating the community. Click the link to get started:
1 Day Countdown to Member Spotlight
Looking forward to tomorrow’s member spotlight session. I’ll open up by introducing my background, then I’m open for casual conversations with everyone in attendance. There is a good chance I will be rolling in right at 7:00 PM ET, so if I’m 5-10 min late at least you know to expect me very soon. Thanks to Noah for putting this together. See y’all tomorrow!
New comment 9d ago
Tomorrow's Q&A
Hey all, just a reminder that we have a Q&A event live tomorrow at 6:30 pm. Hop on for 30 minutes to get to know more about the upcoming plans for the group, to ask any career questions you have, and to get to know others. Hope to see you then.
New comment 11d ago
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