ChatGPT and Other tools in Business
I was reading my daily James Pollard email the other day (I know quite a few that frequent here know of him, or are members of his inner circle) on Advisors being in denial about what's coming with AI.
Notwithstanding how much I despise the term AI (I've actually worked in the data analytics industry and have done some smaller scale Machine Learning, and worked with many who are experts in this space, so my opinion is probably a little more educated that most on this), it keeps hanging with me James' comment on saving ~15 hours of work a week through ChatGPT.
My questions:
  • how are those here using this, and similar technologies, to reduce time spent on mundane tasks?
  • would it be worth organizing a sub-group within this space to figure this out (say a set of recommendations for advisors on how to use this stuff to help their growth)?
For the 2nd question, if there is enough interest, I'd be willing to spend some time on this as part of a working group, to figure out how to best use these technologies to support and grow a practice.
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Ian Austin
ChatGPT and Other tools in Business
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