Feature request: Changing fonts for higher-quality posts
A lot of times I'm writing a big guide for my community or I share what I learned in other communities
When I'm writing, I have different steps to solve a problem, and every step has smaller steps inside, which have smaller steps inside that (see picture below for an example)
For me it's very hard to write a long-form post right now because they becomes very messy
A way to fix this would be able to make your text bold, being able to change the letter type, or being able to add something like: "headline NR.1, headline NR.2, etc." (the video bellow will explain what I mean)
If this would be added, it would save me a lot of time trying to make my posts organized and it will be a higher-quality post for my clients
Luca van Straalen
Feature request: Changing fonts for higher-quality posts
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