2d ago (edited) in Something fun!
NOTES FROM THE SEASON OF MADNESS: Will you Win a Cybertruck?
Did you miss the webinar? No worries! I made note of what Sam went over during the webinar:
How do we win the cybertrucks? You either
1. Get #1 in the September Skool Games (no pressure)
2. Get #1 in the October Skool Games - This is a BATTLE ROYALE. Every single Skool Games winner from the past gets to compete again. The event will not be in vegas, it will be an INSANE event at Skool HQ in LA. Are you still gonna compete?
3. Get #1 in the November Skool Games
4. Get #1 in the December Skool Games
NO CHEATING ๐Ÿ˜ก If you make top 10, you WILL be checked for fake accounts, fake MRR (telling people to sign up and cancel right after or lower to $99 a month after the Skool Games), etc.
You have SO MANY OPTIONS. You can be a โ€œSkool Expert,โ€ an underserved job.
So many people are looking for community managers, operators, etc.
Celebrities are starting to notice Skool and NEED help. Theyโ€™re too busy being good at what they do to do the Skool work.
The evolution on Skool is from member -> Top contributor -> Free Group Owner -> Making money -> full-time -> Skool Games Winner -> $100K MRR (check screenshot)
The HARDEST part for a beginner is going from Free Group owner to Full-time.
  • Sam says that too many people try to skip steps and go from Free Group Owner straight to Skool Games winner (I donโ€™t blame them).
  • He says that that wonโ€™t work for most people. If you donโ€™t know what youโ€™re doing, itโ€™s better to learn over time.
  • Be the biggest fan/most engaged member of communities you LOVE and it will happen over time
BEGINNERS CHECKLIST - If you want to make money on Skool, use this checklist
- Join some communities youโ€™re (actually) interested in
- Show up DAILY, help people, build relationships. Build that habit of consistency. Stop pressuring yourself to get to $10k a month right away
- Start your own (free) community
- Get your first 3 members
- Stay up to date with the latest Skool Games training
- Look out for opportunities: Operator, services, gigs, jobs, etc.
Everyone makes money in their own ways: operating other communities, offering services, etc. but thereโ€™s ONE THING in common. They SHOW UP. Their activities are completely in the green
Annual Payments (not officially announced until now)
- Just going through how to set up annual payments + new features released today
- for the Skool games, annual payments are divided by 12 as new MRR.
- Shoutout for throwing sam off
- Your members can upgrade to annual if they first joined monthly by going to group settings and they wonโ€™t have to pay any extra. Whatever they pay in a month will go towards the upgrade as a discount
- You as the community owner can filter through annual/monthly members in the โ€œMembersโ€ tab
- Why use annual?
- More cash up front
- Lower churn
- Higher LTV (Lifetime Value)
- Annual unlocks (incentivize upgrades to annual - you can now edit courses to unlock at a certain level/one time purchase/private/time unlock OR when members upgrade to annual
- In other words, grind or pay, wait or pay, 1-time purchase or upgrade, or an UPGRADE BONUS (advertise this on your About Page)
Conversion rates
- Free groups on average convert at 18%
- Paid groups convert on average at 4%
- Sam says these are REALLY good stats. These are better than Shopifyโ€™s numbers
In this order, features are coming:
1. Apple Pay & Google Pay are being added for higher conversion
2. Free Trials - less friction
- Easier for beginners to optimize their funnel
  • People who are EXPERTS at different thingsโ€”Youtube, Manychat, running ads, finding an operator etcโ€”will teach you how to do what they do
  • These will drip out over time
And then we ended off with a Q&A.
Sam did assure us that the Skool Games are NOT stopping after these last 4 months.
Kirby said there was no update on Skool Speedrunners just yet.
Sam said the end goal of Skool is to help 1 billion people find community and help as many people as possible get to $10k months!
That's the important part about Skool. It's not just business. It's the network of people you get to meet <3.
Thank you so much and for this Webinar! It was a blast to join!
Hope this was helpful! Are you still gonna compete? Comment below! ๐Ÿ‘‡
Yahya Kazi
NOTES FROM THE SEASON OF MADNESS: Will you Win a Cybertruck?
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