Aug 20 in Other
Talk to 100 people to get 20 members into your program
I applied a technique that allowed me to ensure myself to get the first 20 members signed up
Imagine this, if you speak to 100 people and introduce them to your membership program...
Do you think 20 of them would join and pay you $97 a month?
I kind of think so.
Myself, I spoke to more than 100 people to get my 30 members signed up.
---If you are asking yourself why you are not signing members or clients, it's because you didn't make enough offers
You didn't introduce your offer "face to face" to enough people
Sending an email out or posting on social media about your offer is not enough for a person to buy (they would need to see 10+ content pieces or emails for them to maybe message you: "Hey, I want to buy" - which yes, it does happen)
But you can't expect to get members or clients by just sending 1 email out...
But imagine this, if you get on a call with each of 100 people and talk to each, and after you asked them:
  • What do you want to achieve
  • What are your challenges to get there
  • What's missing, what's stopping you, what's your limiting beliefs
You analyze people's situation (and you also learn from them so you make a better solution) ...
You can then say: "Hey, I overcame these challenges this way and I achieved the outcome, this is how you could do it as well"!
They will be like: "OK cool!"
And then you say: "You know what, I could interact with you more and guide you through this process, would you be open to that?"
They will say "How does that work?"
You say: "I have this $97 a month membership, I can meet you weekly on a call (1-1 or group call), talk to you, and I give you access to my videos and the community,...
And I really want to show up for you and help you so you become one of my best case studies,... you don't need to pay $3k for this, only $97 a month, you up for it?"
A few will say yes... If you speak to 100 people, I bet 20 can say yes.
You start working with them and running your membership program. This gives you $2k per month income, which is half a salary to run this project 2-3h per day
Now,... you need to begin somewhere. You need to speak to the first person first, and then second one, 5 people, 10 people...
In 1-3 months you could speak to 100.
You need to follow this process (which I describe to you more in depth in my other posts):
1) Have a membership offer
2) Start building a list of 100+ people (manually write people down - anyone who you interacted with in the past, any previous clients, anyone who always follows you on socials, + post content on social media to get people to opt-in, or get them to comment, so you can then write them down, etc...)
3) Talk to each from the list, invite them for a call, have a call and see if they want to take you up for your special offer I explained above
I did this myself, and I got to 30 members now.
I will speak to another 100 people now to double my success, hopefully.
But understand this that besides of me reaching out and speaking to people,... A lot of them came to me as well
By me posting content on YT and FB and IG and LI, many engaged, asked me questions, and chatted with me, I just simply invited them to a call then...
So I did both, reached out to some, but some came to me - And I wanted to do this work as I wanted to have a mini salary from this project
I was willing to do it all, and I am willing to do more of it
So should you, right?! Treat this as your main gig, main project, main focus and keep making it happen
Do you maybe have any questions? I m happy to answer
Primoz Lazar
Talk to 100 people to get 20 members into your program
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