5d ago (edited) in General
How to post daily and ELEGANTLY SELF PROMOTE...
I often get told my friends and clients and colleagues that they don't know what to post!!!! And I get it, if you don't do it like I do, it's not a habit. My mind thinks everything in terms of TikToks!
If you are like me and you post organic content on your socials but you often run out of ideals, here are two check lists that I just shared with my VIP Networking Club Skool that I thought you too would find beneficial.
Here are two checklists for the format for your posts and then ideals for your posts.
One step you can take IMMEDIATELY is to post daily to be discovered more and add value in relation to your offer, while also networking with others where you are posting.
When you post, keep in mind, Alex Hormozi's style:
State the FACTS, tell the TRUTH:
So if you are sharing client's stories, share the pain your client had, how you solve it, her results and how she got there with your offer.
What to post ideas:
State the FACTS, tell the TRUTH:
Weekly Social Media Content Themes
Keep in mind, all of these are your clients' stories examples.
Monday: Motivational Mondays
Theme: Inspire and encourage your audience.
Content ideas: Inspirational quotes, success stories, uplifting videos, tips for overcoming challenges, positive affirmations.
Tuesday: Tremendous Tuesdays
Theme: Share horror stories you heard of people who didn't use your services or clients who neglected your suggestions. You can also share great, or intense stories here to.
Negative Connotations:
  • Overwhelming Challenges: Share personal stories or case studies about overcoming significant obstacles.
  • Intense Emotions: Discuss intense feelings like anger, fear, or sadness and offer coping mechanisms.
  • Massive Mistakes: Explore the consequences of major errors or missteps.
  • Overwhelming Responsibilities: Talk about feeling burdened or overwhelmed by life's demands.
  • Giant Failures: Share stories of setbacks or failures and how to bounce back.
Positive Spin:
  • Tremendous Growth: Discuss personal or professional growth experiences that were initially challenging but ultimately rewarding.
  • Intense Passion: Explore the power of strong passions and how to channel them positively.
  • Massive Potential: Discuss untapped potential and how to harness it.
  • Overwhelming Love: Talk about the intense love and connection with loved ones.
  • Giant Achievements: Celebrate major accomplishments and the hard work behind them.
Remember to balance negative and positive content to avoid overwhelming your audience. Focus on providing value and inspiration.
Wednesday: Winning Wednesdays
Theme: Share wins, knowledge and insights.
Content ideas: Expert interviews, educational articles, industry trends, thought-provoking questions, valuable resources about your journey as a human, parent, child of a parent, entrepreneur, athlete, let people into your life so they feel like they know you.
Thursday: Thoughtful Thursdays
Theme: Encourage reflection and discussion.
Content ideas: Personal anecdotes, opinion pieces, open-ended questions, polls or surveys, quotes that spark conversation.
Friday: Fun Fridays
Theme: Lighten the mood and entertain your audience.
Content ideas: Funny memes or GIFs, behind-the-scenes footage, user-generated content, contests or giveaways, lighthearted trivia. Make it fun and just share fun stories about your work, your clients, your life, yourself!
Saturday: Serene Saturdays
Theme: Promote relaxation and well-being.
Content ideas: Nature photos or videos, mindfulness tips, meditation techniques, calming music, inspirational messages so people get to know you.
Sunday: Spiritual Sundays
Theme: Offer inspiration and reflection on a deeper level.
Content ideas: inspiring or philosophical quotes, inspirational stories, spiritual practices, gratitude exercises, uplifting music.
Feel free to print this and post it to your calendar accordingly so it becomes a habit.
Does this help??
I often get told my friends and clients and colleagues that they don't know what to post!!!! And I get it, if you don't do it like I do, it's not a habit. My mind thinks everything in terms of TikToks!
If you are like me and you post organic content on your socials but you often run out of ideals, here are two check lists that I just shared with my VIP Networking Club Skool that I thought you too would find beneficial.
Here are two checklists for the format for your posts and then ideals for your posts.
One step in this group you can take IMMEDIATELY is to post daily or as often as you want to be seen in this group and add value in relation to your offer, networking and the members of the group.
When you post, keep in mind, Alex Hormozi's style:
State the FACTS, tell the TRUTH:
So if you are sharing client's stories, share the pain your client had, how you solve it, her results and how she got there with your offer.
What to post ideas:
State the FACTS, tell the TRUTH:
Weekly Social Media Content Themes
Keep in mind, all of these are your clients' stories examples.
Monday: Motivational Mondays
Theme: Inspire and encourage your audience.
Content ideas: Inspirational quotes, success stories, uplifting videos, tips for overcoming challenges, positive affirmations.
Tuesday: Tremendous Tuesdays
Theme: Share horror stories you heard of people who didn't use your services or clients who neglected your suggestions. You can also share great, or intense stories here to.
Negative Connotations:
  • Overwhelming Challenges: Share personal stories or case studies about overcoming significant obstacles.
  • Intense Emotions: Discuss intense feelings like anger, fear, or sadness and offer coping mechanisms.
  • Massive Mistakes: Explore the consequences of major errors or missteps.
  • Overwhelming Responsibilities: Talk about feeling burdened or overwhelmed by life's demands.
  • Giant Failures: Share stories of setbacks or failures and how to bounce back.
Positive Spin:
  • Tremendous Growth: Discuss personal or professional growth experiences that were initially challenging but ultimately rewarding.
  • Intense Passion: Explore the power of strong passions and how to channel them positively.
  • Massive Potential: Discuss untapped potential and how to harness it.
  • Overwhelming Love: Talk about the intense love and connection with loved ones.
  • Giant Achievements: Celebrate major accomplishments and the hard work behind them.
Remember to balance negative and positive content to avoid overwhelming your audience. Focus on providing value and inspiration.
Wednesday: Winning Wednesdays
Theme: Share wins, knowledge and insights.
Content ideas: Expert interviews, educational articles, industry trends, thought-provoking questions, valuable resources about your journey as a human, parent, child of a parent, entrepreneur, athlete, let people into your life so they feel like they know you.
Thursday: Thoughtful Thursdays
Theme: Encourage reflection and discussion.
Content ideas: Personal anecdotes, opinion pieces, open-ended questions, polls or surveys, quotes that spark conversation.
Friday: Fun Fridays
Theme: Lighten the mood and entertain your audience.
Content ideas: Funny memes or GIFs, behind-the-scenes footage, user-generated content, contests or giveaways, lighthearted trivia. Make it fun and just share fun stories about your work, your clients, your life, yourself!
Saturday: Serene Saturdays
Theme: Promote relaxation and well-being.
Content ideas: Nature photos or videos, mindfulness tips, meditation techniques, calming music, inspirational messages so people get to know you.
Sunday: Spiritual Sundays
Theme: Offer inspiration and reflection on a deeper level.
Content ideas: inspiring or philosophical quotes, inspirational stories, spiritual practices, gratitude exercises, uplifting music.
Feel free to print this and post it to your calendar accordingly so it becomes a habit.
Does this help??
Maria Lupita
How to post daily and ELEGANTLY SELF PROMOTE...
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