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🔴 Offer Clarity w/ Yeli+Pat is happening in 3 hours
change your identity to become a millionaire
my youngest clients have no problem changing their identity... which is why they get rich so quickly! succeeding online is about aligning your identity with the person you wish to be. if you've been broke all your life, you've got to see yourself as being rich NOW. if you've been bad with tech all your life, you've got to see yourself as GREAT WITH TECH now.
New comment 5m ago
change your identity to become a millionaire
are you a coach with beginner clients? or are you a beginner client yourself? read this:
if you're a coach and you're working with beginner clients, or you're a beginner client yourself, here's a fascinating insight: some beginner clients LOVE being told exactly what to do because it gives them clear instructions and they're happy to follow them. they love following proven step by step instructions and being given hard rules to follow - so long as they know it will work. they want the checklists. and they want every detail of every step covered and promise to follow it to the letter. these clients usually CRUSH IT and become a great success story. but other beginner clients will HATE being told exactly what to do because they'll feel limited by your instructions. they'll want more freedom to do it their way. they'll want more room for creativity and artistry. they'll say: "i want to express myself more authentically without having these rules to follow." but this freedom to flow as a beginner often brings with it a ton of overwhelm, confusion, and anxiety... which ultimately leads to little to no results. the solution? be firm, but flexible with your clients. have checklists, and hard rules to follow, but let your clients break the rules if they want - so long as you've warned them of the repercussions. "cool so u don't want to do what i know works? fine. do it your way. i've personally never seen it work but you can be the first :) and if your way doesn't work, you can always try my way after." one great example of this is with weight loss. i used to be a weight loss coach. 100% of my clients who did what i said would lose weight. 1 of my hard rules was: "weigh yourself everyday on the scale and write that number down". the clients who said "i don't want to weigh myself, i hate the scale" never lost weight. same goes for business. i have a hard rule that says: "if you're going to sell high ticket, it has to be in one of these 4 categories.
New comment 6m ago
"I don't know what to offer…"
99% of newbies say this to me. It's only the 1% who don't say this to me who end up going on to make a lot of $$. I have some clients from years ago who still don't know what to offer. Guess how much money they've made... Zip. Nada. Zero. I also have some clients from a 2 months ago who knew exactly what to sell from day 1, and now they're making 10k plus per month. So decide right now if you want to be part of the 99% or if you're going be in the 1%. Decide now and figure out "the how" later. I call this 'Offer Clarity'. And if you're ever unsure of what to offer, you need to sit down with pen and paper and figure it out. But here's the good news (I'm full of good news): There are ONLY 4 THINGS you can offer help with if you expect to make any money at all in this game. 4 things Not 5. Not 6. Not 3. Just 4. What are they? Get ready....... Write these down..... 1) Relationships (soulmate, better sex, Tinder dates, etc) 2) Wealth (save on taxes, make more per month, etc) 3) Beauty (drop fat, build muscle, etc) 4) Chronic Pain (eliminate knee, back or neck pain) As a coach/course creator, if you don't choose one of these 4 things to help people with, you're swimming upstream - against a strong current - in a thunder storm - surrounded by piranhas and hungry sharks. Note: There is only 2 exceptions this 'Law of 4' Spoiler: You're probably not an exception. Exception to the rule #1: if you're extremely sexy and willing to show it. If this is you, you can sell anything and simps will just pay you cause they love you/want to be closer to you and your private parts. Think Onlyfans. Exception to the rule #2: if you're extremely famous. When you're Oprah level famous, you can sell cans of dog shit and people will buy it cause of the celeb factor. Humans are weird like that. But since you're most likely not an exception, decide right here and now which of the 4 things you want to help people with. And just pick ONE of them for the love of god.
New comment 24m ago
Let's Play a Game 🎮
Describe your Skool community with ONE word only 👇
New comment 49m ago
Let's Play a Game 🎮
This tool calculates how much entrepreneurs are worth p/hour
Let me guess. You have no idea what you’re worth an hour. Most entrepreneurs don’t. This is probably why you take up mundane tasks in your business that others should’ve done. And no wonder you feel like you should be much farther ahead in your business by now. It’s because you spend your time on low-return tasks that keep you broke. If you put a number to how much your time was worth, you’d realize the gravity of wasting it on things that don’t matter. So I made this calculator, that takes your income, calculates your efficiency, and spits out your hourly rate. It also shows what you could be making if you worked more or less, or if you increased your efficiency. Once I started using it, I stopped: - cooking my own food. - taking my afternoon nap. - doing repetitive tasks. - making my social media posts. - saying yes to social events. - washing my car myself. This was after I quantified the value of my time. As a result, not only did I start working more, but my efficiency also increased. The calculator is simple and easy to use. It works for anyone at any income level. I’m planning on using it for my clients, so I’m giving it out (for free ofc) to get feedback. Want it? Comment “HOUR” + Follow me so I can send it to you. PS. In case you’re one of those people who skip to the end. I’m giving you a calculator we use for our paid clients to calculate hourly wage and work efficiency. Read the above for more information.
New comment 2h ago
This tool calculates how much entrepreneurs are worth p/hour
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