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What Credit Card Are You Guys Looking to Get Next?
Currently I'm still 5/24 and just received the 90k bonus on my second chase ink card so I'm looking to either still farm chase ink business cards or some airline business cards. What card is on your guys' horizon or one that you just got? Also for those who don't have a Credit Card Point Tracker or maybe need an upgrade, check out this free google sheets. - If you want to keep it click file and make your own copy!
Introduce Yourself!
- Name and State/ Country you're from - Post a photo of your favorite place you've traveled to - 3 of your favorite places you've traveled to - 3 places that you would love to travel to
New comment Feb 8
What Are Your Guys' Goals with Credit?
As more and more members join I want to see what people's goals are with credit. Whether it be traveling through airlines, nice hotel stays, cash back, etc. You can connect with people that have the same goals as you or just see where other people's heads are at. Currently, my goal is churning lots of miles so I can travel around the world for free or for really cheap. Right now I don't care a lot about nice hotel stays but possibly I'll take advantage of this route in the future for some nice suite stays. Reply with Yours Below!
What level of Credit Card Hacking are you at?
Curious to see where everyone is at on their credit card/score journey.
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Credit Card & Travel Hacking
We teach the art of Credit Card mastery, turning points into free money & travel from first-class flights to Tokyo to suite stays in dream hotels.Join
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