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Futures Trading - With Leverage how to?
Hi All, Really glad to be apart of the community here and get to know you all better. I am in the early stages of my day trading journey and looking to continue to building the educational foundation for my day trading pursuits. I have selected a broker, thinkorswim, and was wondering if any of you all know how to apply leverage when trading on this platform with futures? Thank you
Crypto Trading?? Fell into the Rabbit hole, should I get out?
Hi All my name is Pete and I am new to the group, Stumbled upon the podcast/wiki, thanks @Tyler Stokes for creating this space and taking part in community dedicated to helping traders in their beginning pursuits. I was drawn to trading after leaving my 9-5 to study it full time in an attempt to create a work from home lifestyle. While exploring career options stocks and trading kept popping up and decided to take a course, not really conscious of the fact it was mostly centered around a community doing crypto based trading. I am feeling uncomfortable with the VPN/Legal/sticky aspects of the crypto world, but have learned some amazing strategies over the course of the past few weeks. Do I stay the course in crypto or reevaluate another option?? Would love to know your thoughts and feedback.
average cost of spread, fees or comissions??
Hi. today i have a question. I have been trading in my paper account in tradingview app. I have no idea if my wins are reflected after commissions or fees or spread?!!!. i think that commissions or fees aren't apply in paper account!!! My question is , how much on average are in percentage the total fees, comission and spread??? If I were a swing trader, what would be the total costs of each, for example, 10000 dollar trading (buy and sell)? Thanks.
A breath of fresh air
What's up, everyone. I found this by listening to Tyler's podcast. I've been listening to it while at work. I'm listening to it from start to finish. I'm on 21 I believe right now. I really appreciate what he's doing. It took a lot of initiative to have a complete community and media education like is offered, if that's even the right word. Offer these days usually involves someone asking for my money. I just watched a whole "seminar" that said nothing, had nothing to do with the Fed rate cut(like it said it did), "offered" to give me a stock a week inline with something called, "the income calendar," then asked for $4,500! LMAO 🤣 So, thank you for a chance to meet like-minded people.
New comment 3d ago
Season 2 Premiere - It's Time to Learn a Strategy
Today marks the start of Season 2 of the podcast and I hope to upload an episode every week (no guarantees with my busy personal schedule ahead). As I posted a few weeks ago in the group, I've started to study a few trading strategies. However today the podcast started up again so wanted to share some links if you're interested: You can listen to the episode here: The Classroom has a course now called Trading Strategy. I plan on uploading modules on my progress with learning various strategies. Overtime perhaps it will be a good resource which can highlight various strategies that beginners might want to pursue.
New comment 3d ago
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