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Beginner Coaching Call is happening in 46 hours
More Array Practice / Resources
So I recently wanted to really master array methods like reduce for tallying elements and seeing other use cases for it. Cristian recommended array Cardio on YT from JS in 30 days, Wes Bros Then I didn't feel satisfied after solving almost all of them, so I found another site that gives katas and some explainations: Some of the random facts I learned otw: 1. Why we can't have a negative integer in bracket notation 2. The difference between parameter and argument 3. What is the rest operator, and how it differs from the spread operator There's some nice little tidbits to leave you as a better Off dev than before you found their stuff Enjoy!
New comment 14d ago
Design chanel
hey pplz; I've found a neet youtube chanel, which focuses mainly on design. I was able to gain some proper ideas out of it.
New comment 19d ago
resources for code practice (react/js/css)
I found this website which has short challenges to practice core concepts in react/js/css. also for who is interested , you can fork this github repo (I forked it from someone on linkedin) it contains 31 react mini challenges to practice your skills. happy coding!
New comment Jul 13
Git cheetsheet
Another resource for you, my fellow dev friends, this time about Git. To be honest, working at the crypto app, Git was and still is sometimes the most intimidating concept for me, before writing any git line I find myself thinking 10 times before pressing Enter key 😂. But at the same time I am grateful for having the opportunity to work with Git before jumping into the real world. Anyways... I leave here a cheetsheet of Git commands and a comprehensive website about this powerful tool.
New comment Jul 13
Algorithm visualiser Here is a nice tool that helps me understand algorithms. Most recently it helped me with the reduce method 😃 The JavaScript implementation of this app has some limitations, so you might have to refactor the code sometimes. If someone has a better alternative, please write it out in the comments.
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