Write something
One of my previous works
Hello, everyone. I'm sharing these source codes hoping these are helpful for all of you. Feel free to ask any question.
How much AI do you actually use? 🤖
Hey folks, as the AI Hype Train is slowing down and we are finally seeing that "the emperor has no clothes" or better said "the chat is better at pretending it writes code than actually writing" I wanted to check how many of you use AI coding tools on an ongoing basis. We endorse Copilot at theSeniorDev and I use it every day(it is basically autocomplete on steroids). We tried GPT last year quite a lot but it usually takes too much work to make it output decent code. I use it as a translation tool mostly -> CSS to styled-components, JSON to YAML mostly repetitive tasks, nothing too "smart". What about you?
New comment Jun 6
How much AI do you actually use? 🤖
Just made this one, code review welcome
Just made this, because I needed this feature and though the solutions that existed were a bit heavier than I was looking for;, happy to have any code reviews/feedback if anyone has 5 minutes.
Action Item 1 - Code review
Hello, I did the first action and i want to have feedbacks please.
Sharing my result of the JavaScript Mastery Assessment
I just finished the test and I am pleasantly surprised with the result. I got a solid 75% (165/220) which is far better than I thought I would get 😁 My main JS weak points are: - type of null - hoisting - prototypal inheritance - Pass By Value - Symbol It was really fun to take the test and am looking forward to learning more about all of the JS topics. Booking my calendar for 20th January for my second attempt on the test and meanwhile, learning from the community. Cheers, and have a great weekend!
New comment Jan 20
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