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Friday means WINS!!!🥳
Who has WINS to celebrate this week? Share them below and cheer the other ladies on! Get and give a little shot of dopamine! No win is too small and entrepreneurship is HARD (esp is unknown times like these!) so share your wins to also show the other ladies about the HIGH TIMES and WINS! Days 11, 12 + 13 of our 30 day challenge coming next! If you want a head start, remember Monday (Day 8) had 2 options, so today you’ll choose the option you didn’t choose that day!
New comment 25d ago
Friday means WINS!!!🥳
1 like • 28d
3 posts this week!! Got my workouts in during the day instead of late night 💪🏼 that definitely helped!! plus i have a few extra videos for later use when I have an off day ☺️ things are coming together slowly but surely ✨
Day 10: 30 Day Challenge!
Happy Wednesday, Ladies! Before I deliver Day 10 template guidance and example, remember we had our monthly LIVE class yesterday! It has been updated and uploaded within our classroom, just choose the monthly live class option to see August has been added. Also note September LIVE class date is set in our calendar, too! Remember for the weekend, I am counting those as days of our 30 days. I’m sharing weekend option post guidance on Friday before, so you have in advance so we can all truly have the weekend as either off or catch up time! Based on feedback from y’all, I will be delivering 2 optional posts for the weekend on Friday. Remember this challenge is meant to only help you, so if posting every day is overwhelming to you, stick to the amount that still pushes you in this challenge, without the feeling of burn out. IT IS SO IMPORTANT 💗💗💗 This is the first time I’m hosting a challenge like this, so I’m always open to hear from you in ways I can better serve you. We learn together! Speaking on that topic, would you prefer in the coming weeks that I deliver the entire week’s plan on Monday. I know some days for y’all are more chaotic than others and I thought this could maybe help you better plan your days and choose the more time intensive days that better fit your week ahead. I did not want to deliver all 30 days at once for both the feeling of overwhelm as well as implementing and learning along the way, but I think a week at a time can still create the learning along-the-way environment I’m trying to foster! What do you think? It is ok to post days after a specific suggestion is shared. I won’t be naming this challenge winner until like 7-10 days after the 30 days, so don’t feel it will hinder if you have to take some extra days to get your groove! For Day 9 (yesterday’s post) this was the consideration stage for your future buyers. Now for today (Day 10), we are tackling sharing your exact business methodology that creates happy clients in an authoritative way.
New comment 25d ago
Day 10: 30 Day Challenge!
2 likes • 30d
Hope you don't mind if I use that reel example as inspiration for today!! It's perfect for a (hopefully) quick post @Randa Carrabba I'm good with either option, still catching up on this challenge but not overwhelmed. It's nice to be back in a rhythm & just enjoying the moment 💖✨
Day 9: 30 Day Challenge
Yesterday Day 8, Option 1: decision making Option 2: Awareness For Day Day 9 Post: I wish you would stop focusing on (what they think they need) and instead focus on THIS…. Then list out what is *actually* needed in the caption. Or put yourself in the driver seat as your own dream client (if your dream client is a past version of you as I know it is for many of you) and say: The most important thing I had to overcome for ______ambitious desire) and it does NOT include (something they would assume) Give them the freedom, relief, solution they are looking for (that you business provides) and tell your story/reasoning/methodology in caption! THIS ALLOWS YOU TO nurture them to learn more about you AND your business! Example of my own hook + caption for you to recreate for your own: Another way to word this that might be easier for you: The reason you shouldn’t wait another second to ________exactly what your business provides. You can include the reasons why following on the screen and then drive to caption. If you’re sharing multiple reasons, you can even leave one OFF the screen and drive to caption saying the most important reasoning can be found there! What buyer phase do you think day 9 covers? No email marketing for today, but for stories…. 3 part series: Story 1: Prep your audience asking if they want to know what THEY need or what YOU needed to stop focusing on for the ambitious desire to come to light. Use a poll to get engagement and warm them up before you deliver. Story 2: Peek their curiosity even more saying what it DOES not require (that they probably assume or don’t want to do) Story 3: Deliver the answer with link to your newest reel, letting them know where to find the full breakdown!
New comment 26d ago
Day 9: 30 Day Challenge
1 like • Aug 21
Got one in for today!
Happy Monday, Ladies! I hope everyone had a well rested weekend! I slept so good the past few nights and even got a 3 hour nap yesterday - HEAVENLY!!! If you're a weight lifter like me, you know how important down time and good sleep is for your journey! Anyways, let's do a MONDAY GOAL SETTING POST! Tell me your goals for this week (make sure they are both attainable but a little challenging) because you're far more likely to make your weekly goals a reality if you 1) intentionally set them for yourself and 2) share them with others and 3) write them down! For me, it's a big week handling internal launch of PHF app (Friday was day 1), preparing for live class in here tomorrow, live class with wealth creator college on Wednesday and leading y'all along this challenge! LIVE CLASS IS TOMORROW! You can get the link from our classroom. Hope to see a few of you on live for real time Q&A, but it will be uploaded to our classroom after class is complete. We will be continuing ways to position your page to have all 4 buyer phases covered (last week, we talked about feed posts only, so this week will be stories, highlights and email marketing) and I'll be sharing about a new direction I'm going with my own FREEBIES in a way that your dream clients will both WANT your freebie, actually go through your freebie, all while giving you the best market research in the process! IT IS SO GOOD! Next up, I'll be sharing Day 8 of our 30 Day Challenge Posting Guidance! Happy Monday, everyone!
New comment Aug 21
2 likes • Aug 20
My goal this week is to get back into rhythm, catch up with the challenge & attend the live class tomorrow 😊 Starting the week off right 💪 today's post -
HAPPY FRIDAY! What an electric week! Ok before I share day 5 (I've been trying to stay consistent with 11am-12pm deliveries since mornings can require me in different ways right now with internal app launch starting wahooo!), I do want to say there will be a winner of this challenge! But, I won't choose the winner for like 7-10 days after because I know some of you are doing this a few days behind and even a full week behind (like @Danika Watson and even myself on the PHF insta). So I'll be paying attention to things like overall improvement, elevation of brand voice, etc. I know not everyone will post every day and that won't affect whether you can win or not. I will ask for honest feedback every Friday (like right now!) and this isn't just me asking for you to sing praises about the challenge, but honest ways it has been beneficial as well as suggestions of ways to improve. I am someone who loves constructive criticism, especially from those who are showing up, so if there are things that are still foggy, unclear or ways I can plan to better serve you through this, please speak up! As you share you WINS today, I also want to here 2 other things! 1) Let me know your WIN from this week! The smallest thing counts and mindset shifts alone are 75% of the puzzle!!! 2) Tell me how you feel being a part of this challenge. Has it helped? Does it feel overwhelming? Are you noticing more accountability or like you need to better plan your time management? and 3) I want to know what life is like NOW that you're in my world and finally BELIEVED me about letting go of vanity metrics. I'm asking this because I met with a business owner in my area yesterday and it's so reminding to me that those who haven't yet started learning from me can be consumed by "well how many views did it get" or "I don't know if that will perform well on my page" type of mentality. I'm asking for this feedback bc I know vanity metrics don't equal sales, but sometimes I think others can think "it's easy for Randa to say that" so I want to have some case studies to show other online business owners in different industries who now believe and know it to be true!
New comment Aug 19
0 likes • Aug 16
My win for this week is that I'm back in a better mental space. Returning to Miami & spending time with my family has really helped! 😊 I need to catch up on the latest challenge!! Very excited!!
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