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September Live Class is happening in 5 days
WELCOME! Start Here!
Hello and welcome to Digital Profit Queens! I am so excited to have you here! I want us to start out with an introduction post as well as what to expect from this group! **CLICK CLASSROOM TO START GOING THROUGH ALL THE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT AND AS YOU LEVEL UP, MORE RESOURCES WILL BE UNLOCKED FOR YOU!*** ****GO TO THE CALENDAR TO SEE WHEN OUR NEXT LIVE CLASS IS SO YOU CAN PLAN ON BEING THERE (BUT THE REPLAY WILL ALWAYS BE SHARED IN THE CLASSROOM AFTER)**** 💗 Every Monday-Friday I will make an Engagement Thread Post where you can share your post from the day (or your most recent post). As long as you comment on the others, everyone will also share some love and engagement. This not only helps boosts your posts, but it allows you to see and meet the other ladies, give them honest feedback on your personal takeaways + pointers from their posts as well as watch how their content evolves! 💗 Every Friday I'll share new Hooks to Position Yourself as a Bold + Authoritative Woman to Watch (this also moves prospective buyers down the customer buying funnel experience, typically from levels 3-4 into investment!) 💗 So without further ado, introduce yourselves below and answer the following questions: 💗 Your name and Location 💗 Your business, current occupation, or what you use social media marketing for (maybe it's something you haven't yet launched or created yet, and that's ok, we wanna hear!) 💗 How you found ME and why you both choose me and trust me! 💗 How I can best support you through this educational space and your membership! 💗 Current top pain points in your business/content/social media and what you hope to gain from being a part of Digital Profit Queens!
New comment 30d ago
WELCOME! Start Here!
New Member Welcome!!!
We have a new member! A friend of @Danika Watson, welcome @Janice Elmore! She came in right away and started BINGING the content! Proof that when your dream client is READY and DONE, she will come in full force! Treating each of your pages as a place where your new dream clients will binge all your free content before becoming a paying client is a great lesson to take away from this! Let’s welcome Janice because it’s so apparent she is in here as a woman on a mission 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 Any advice or guidance you can give her as a new student, share away! And Janice, we’d love to hear your primary solutions you’re hoping to gain from this educational space! This energy taught in here (in terms of what and how to create and position your content) not only creates a paying client, but a client that will become a success story or happy returning client!
New comment Jul 9
New Member Welcome!!!
New member & Just finished recording Day 8!
Everyone welcome @Haley Rose to our group! Haley, we would love for you to introduce yourself below (as well as the welcome post pinned to our community!) Let her know the treat she is in for and think of how you didn't know what to expect when you joined us! Maybe you were hesitant, overwhelmed, etc., so let's show some welcoming positive energy to Haley and I just wrapped up.... I also want to let you ladies know I landed a dream 1:1 high ticket client! All from my organic social Media and they reached out a few weeks ago asking for a quote for 1:1 work, letting me know what they would be wanting. I only gave an option of 1 hour a month to not over-fill my calendar, as I give so much in here, started the Wealth Creator College Yesterday (let me know if any of you wanna know more in case you missed all my emails about it bc I only promoted it via email!), and of course wrapping up a new PHF website and app 2.0 almost here! So I quoted very firmly and didn't hear anything for almost 3 weeks from them, then yesterday they responded SO eager to work together! Remember timing comes down to when it's right for your CLIENT and it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong if you get ghosted for a little bit! I just finished recording Day 8 of our $20K in 20 Days Challenge! I hope each of you are LOVING this audio challenge as much as I've loved putting it together, leading and recording it for you all! It's even healing and expanding for myself and I think today's lesson is going to give you some incredible perspective on abundance in a way you might have NEVER thought of before! To God be the Glory!
New comment Jun 6
New Members!
We have some new members to welcome! @Justice Clark and @Heather Johnson ! Excited to have these ladies welcome themselves to the group and share more about what they hope to gain from this community and educational space!
New comment May 8
New Members!
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Digital Profit Queens
Profit Queens Membership led by Randa Carrabba
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