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motivation dojo is happening in 4 days
group coaching happening in 24 hours - be there!
excited for our monthly group coaching session. bring your blocks, your issues, your frustrations, your questions, and we'll work together to unblock, integrate, and answer them! excited to connect friends!
New comment Aug 14
more draft book chapters have arrived!
hey friends, now that i finished the first draft of my book , i decided to post more of the chapters here you can now get a sense of the complete LIFE method, and the journey the book will take you through any feedback, comments, or questions are welcome check em out!
group coaching in 5 days - come hang
here's how it works come with your blocks, your issues, your opportunities i'll work w/ you to break through the block then update me here in the group feedback has been that this is the most valuable part of the group
New comment Jul 13
the motivation dojo is happening in 30 hours - you should be there
the motivation dojo is a group coworking session w/ a twist - we use the tools of Joyful Flow to motivate ourselves. simply choose a project, then, we'll go through the tools we need to work from a place of joy and ease.
New comment Jun 26
the motivation dojo is happening in 30 hours - you should be there
Group Coaching in 5 Days - You Should Be There
want to change your motivation system the absolute best thing you can do is show up to the group coaching tomorrow you can get all my content, personalized for you, your blocks, your issues check out the image for one of the results we got from last group coaching session i'll see you there
New comment Jun 19
Group Coaching in 5 Days - You Should Be There
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Don't Waste Your Precious Life
if you struggle with motivation and purpose
we'll connect to your desires
go deep into your doubts
and within them find all the motivation you need
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