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Focus Flows w/ Lion is happening in 3 hours
Upcoming Calls!
Brothers, I am excited to announce that I will be adding 2 calls every month to our existing x5 Focus Flow Sessions. Please check the "Calendar" tab to see when these sessions will be. 1. A guided Breathwork Journey 2. Sex & Relationships Mastermind For the breathwork session, I will be guiding you through a full 60 minute journey of various breathing techniques, a guided meditation, and then time to share and integrate at the end. Breathwork offers many benefits in many different layers of who and what you are ⬇️ 💪 Physical Benefits: 1. Increased Oxygenation: Boosts oxygen levels in the bloodstream, promoting better cellular function and energy production. 2. Detoxification: Facilitates the release of carbon dioxide and toxins from the body, aiding in physical detox. 3. Enhanced Lung Capacity: Improves respiratory function by training the lungs to take deeper and more efficient breaths. 4. Regulation of Nervous System: Activates the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to lower stress and decrease the fight-or-flight response. 5. Improved Circulation: Enhances blood flow, improving cardiovascular health and circulation to extremities. 6. Stress Relief: Reduces muscle tension and lowers cortisol levels, helping the body to relax. 7. Strengthened Immune System: Supports immune function by promoting lymphatic drainage and stimulating immune responses. 🧠 Mental Benefits: 1. Mental Clarity: Clears mental fog by bringing fresh oxygen to the brain, improving focus and cognitive function. 2. Enhanced Creativity: Opens up creative thinking by allowing the mind to enter altered, expansive states of consciousness. 3. Increased Focus: Encourages mindfulness and presence, allowing for better concentration and productivity post-session. 4. Breakthrough Insights: Facilitates access to the subconscious mind, often leading to epiphanies or insights into challenges or decisions. 5. Emotional Regulation: Helps regulate emotional states by calming the mind and decreasing overactive thought patterns.
Informing - Embodiment Calls
Good day, brothers! I want ti inform you that I am away most of September on a road trip with my partner, visiting my father, and co-facilitating at a men’s retreat at the end of the month. I will still be attending some Focus Flow calls. I am sending you this update to inform you that I will be commencing embodiment calls when I return in October 🙏🏼 In the meantime, I would highly recommend you check out my YouTube page for some guided practices.
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Embodied Brotherhood
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