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Focus Flows w/ Lion is happening in 3 hours
How to KNOW YOURSELF as a Man
Episode 2 of the Showing Up Podcast with @Lion Carew and I is now out; You can check it out here; "In Episode 2 of SHOWING UP, we take a deep dive into the heart of one of the biggest struggles men face today—feeling adrift, unsure of who they truly are or what they’re meant to do. Many men are stuck in a cycle of living for others—waffling on their values, constantly influenced by the opinions of the world around them. They lose themselves in distractions, unable to set boundaries in relationships or take control of their own direction in life. But the real problem? They don’t know how to define who they are, or how to chart a course toward a life with purpose and meaning. This episode isn’t just a conversation about the problem. It’s about the how. How do you uncover your true sense of self? How do you define your own purpose, independent of what others expect of you? And most importantly, how do you anchor into that so deeply that you become your own compass, always pointing toward the "True North of Your Own Soul"? Knowing yourself means living with direction, clarity, and confidence. When you’re anchored in who you are, no distraction or external influence can knock you off course. This episode offers the insights and practices you need to start living more intentionally, with a purpose that fuels everything you do." If you'd prefer to listen on Spotify:
How to KNOW YOURSELF as a Man
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