New To The Group? Start Here ⬇️
**If you want to get the most out of this community, read this 2 minute post**
Welcome to The EmpowerME Community, an online container created to foster growth, healing & expression through non-judgmental guidance and educational trainings.
Led by Dr Kyle Dean, Sex and Empowerment Coach & Licensed Physiotherapist. 👨‍⚕️
My mission through this community & trainings is to help you dismantle the mental & behavioral blocks holding you back from living a confident, fulfilling life full of love.
No more people pleasing. No more fear based programming. No more living inauthentically. And certainly no more putting yourself down.
However, this will take a team effort. In order to see the positive change in your life you desire, it takes putting in the work and asking for help.
So I want you to follow these 3 steps to positively begin your journey toward an Empowered Life.
  1. Watch the short introduction video attached below to become accustomed to the group. ✅
  2. Introduce yourself under the pinned post "Introduce Yourself" stating who you are, where you are from, why you joined and what you are looking to gain from this community ✅
  3. Begin watching the free trainings in the classroom section titled "Stop People Pleasing" ✅
If you do these 3 things, you are on your way to making effective change in your life. This community is what you make of it. The more you participate, the more you will gain.
Now let's get to work ⭐️
Cheers to your Growth,
Dr Kyle
P.S. This community is the introduction to my transformational coaching, The EmpowerME Academy.
If you would like to see if you qualify for the Academy, send me a message in the chat box at the top right part of this page or book a free consult call here. Http://
Kyle Freeman
New To The Group? Start Here ⬇️
EmpowerME Community
A Supportive Community Dedicated To Ending People Pleasing, Undoing Fear Based Programming & Living In Your Highest Power
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