How to Enjoy Special Occasions and Stay on Track!
Today is my birthday! The big 32 😅 Along with birthdays come celebrations - and usually high calorie food 😂🤤 Here's how you can avoid minimal damage to your progress AND enjoy special occasions like your birthday! 1. Get a workout in! If you weren't scheduled to lift, at the very least get some cardio in 2. Save your calories for later! Avoid your regular diet foods that are high in carbs and fats 3. Either fast for the majority of the day OR get most of your protein in before your birthday dinner The reason this strategy works is because most celebratory foods are high in carbs and fats. If you save your carbs and fats for when you celebrate, you likely won't go too crazy overboard in 1 meal. These foods are typically lower in protein so eat your protein throughout the day to hit your goal and keep you satiated. Will you keep seeing the scale go down after a celebration? Probably not. Will you feel bloated and fluffy the next day? Probably yes. But for 99% of the population, thats ok. Enjoy the special day and get back on track the next day! Hope this was helpful 😁