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We're doing it again! (🔥HUGE Announcement!)
Hey my friend, We are very EXCITED to announce... we are NOW taking applications to become a FREE "beta tester" in our 3 week coaching program - "The Conscious Business Accelerator" This is for you if you have… (or want to create)… a “high vibe” business, online. Just like what you see, all of us doing... an online business build around your calling in life and service to others. This is a 3-week group coaching program that includes - Step-by-step curriculum - LIVE coaching from Mat, Aaron, and Victor (me :) - Private mastermind group And you are invited to join for FREE, as a beta tester… 🎉 all we ask in return is a testimonial if you like the experience. >>> APPLY FOR OUR PROGRAM HERE This new program is designed to help you create a “solid foundation” which will drastically accelerate your progress. So what does it mean to have a solid “online business foundation?” Well, it actually begins with YOU. 1) Your beliefs… (are your subconscious beliefs supporting you… or holding you back?) 2) Your confidence... (are you confident in yourself and your ability to create a successful business & deliver quality results to your clients and customers?) 3) Your skills... (Do you possess the communication, leadership, and business skills to succeed?) If you are interested in improving in any of those 3 areas, this program will be a game-changer! ALSO… In addition to all of that we will be teaching you our cutting-edge business model that works wonders for conscious business owners, which is, people who not only want to succeed... but do so with the highest integrity and authenticity. So, if this sounds like something you want to be a part of, you can apply below to join :) >>> APPLY FOR OUR PROGRAM HERE And don’t worry… it’s not a crazy application process. But we want to make sure to work with people who are serious and willing to put in the time and energy to get awesome results.
New comment Jul 24
The 10X Rule (AWESOME Mindset Hack!)
Have you heard of this?" "The 10X Rule" Basically, it's a counterbalance to our limited way of thinking. The idea is... When we envision our future and set goals, they are not actually representative of our TRUE capabilities. We tend to play it small. Can you relate? Do you find yourself playing it small sometimes? Grand Cardone, author of the book, "The 10X Rule" suggests we take whatever dream or goal we have... and 10X it! and THAT will be closer to our ACTUAL potential. Also... if we are thinking and dreaming bigger... then our actions will match those expanded goals. We will dig deeper, get up earlier, work harder, and exert more energy and discipline. Whether we reach out 10X multiplied goals or not doesn't matter because that simple mind shift will cause us to shoot MUCH further than we would have otherwise. I don't know about you but I have discovered that my own mind is terrified of my greatness and true power... and has very sneaky back door ways of stifling my progress. Self-sabotage, over analyzation, perfectionism, desire for instant gratification, etc. This 10X rule is a mind hack that Aaron, Mat, and I have been using for years. So, I thought I'd toss it your way in case you may benefit as well. And if you enjoyed this little mindset tip, we have MUCH more to offer in this regard, soon, in our new program The Conscious Business Accelerator. This is a 3-week coaching program that starts May 15th, and while it will soon cost 2K to join... Right now, you can go through it for free! >>> APPLY TO BECOME A BETA TESTER HERE This is an opportunity to experience it for free because it's our first time running it, fyi, this will not always be the case. Hope to see you inside, Sincerely, Victor
New comment Jun 28
Powerful SUPERMOON & LUNAR ECLIPSE On September 17
I love videos like this >
New comment 3h ago
Powerful SUPERMOON & LUNAR ECLIPSE On September 17
Root chakra: overactive vs underactive
Root chakra: overactive vs underactive When the root chakra is underactive, you may experience: - Feeling underweight - Depression - Lethargy - Fear of change - Neglecting of self - Feelings of not belonging - Poor discipline/boundaries - Difficulty sleeping - Constipation and bowel issues - Weight loss - Fatigue - Inability to trust in the Earth to support and nourish you - Doubt about your place in the universe. - Existential crisis or lack of purpose. An underactive root chakra can lead to feelings of insecurity or a lack of grounding. When the root chakra is overactive, you may experience: - Paranoia - Nervousness - Aggression - Dominant behavior - Hoarding - Material fixation - Addiction to adrenaline-producing activities - Overeating - Craving of unhealthy foods - Fearlessness without precaution An overactive root chakra can manifest as symptoms like anxiety, panic attacks, anger, aggression, and an overwhelming desire to engage in adrenaline-raising activities. While an underactive root chakra leads to feelings of insecurity, depression and lethargy, while an overactive root chakra causes paranoia, aggression and an unhealthy fixation on material things and adrenaline. Balancing the root chakra is important for grounding, stability and feeling secure in one's environment.
Root chakra: overactive vs underactive
Your Problem Isn’t Procrastination—You Just Need to Be a Little Bit Crazy
Hey there, fellow creators Let’s dive into a topic that many of us struggle with: procrastination. We’ve all been there, right? You sit down to work on that project, and suddenly, your phone is way more interesting than it should be, or you find yourself organizing your sock drawer instead of tackling that deadline. But what if I told you that maybe your problem isn’t procrastination at all? Maybe what you really need is to embrace a little bit of craziness. Think about it. Sometimes, we get so caught up in trying to be “productive” that we forget to let our imaginations run wild. We stick to safe ideas and familiar paths, and that can lead to a creative block. What if, instead of forcing yourself to work in a structured way, you allowed yourself to explore those “crazy” ideas that pop into your head? Being a little bit crazy means taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone. It’s about letting go of the fear of judgement and just creating for the sake of creating. When you give yourself permission to be unconventional, you might just find that the inspiration flows more freely. Maybe you need to try that wild concept you’ve been toying with or mix styles that don’t traditionally go together. Allowing yourself to be a bit unpredictable can spark new ideas and reignite your passion for your work. And let’s be real—sometimes, the most memorable and impactful creations come from those moments of “craziness.” Think about the artists, designers, and innovators who have changed the game. They didn’t play it safe; they took chances and embraced their unique visions. So, the next time you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself: Am I really avoiding work, or am I just stuck in a rut? Maybe it’s time to shake things up a bit. Try something new, let your imagination take the lead, and don’t be afraid to be a little bit crazy. Remember, creativity isn’t about following a strict set of rules; it’s about exploration and expression. So go ahead, embrace that wild side, and watch how it transforms your work. You might just find that the key to overcoming procrastination is to unleash your inner maverick.
Your Problem Isn’t Procrastination—You Just Need to Be a Little Bit Crazy
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