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Powerful SUPERMOON & LUNAR ECLIPSE On September 17
I love videos like this >
New comment 8h ago
Powerful SUPERMOON & LUNAR ECLIPSE On September 17
Root chakra: overactive vs underactive
Root chakra: overactive vs underactive When the root chakra is underactive, you may experience: - Feeling underweight - Depression - Lethargy - Fear of change - Neglecting of self - Feelings of not belonging - Poor discipline/boundaries - Difficulty sleeping - Constipation and bowel issues - Weight loss - Fatigue - Inability to trust in the Earth to support and nourish you - Doubt about your place in the universe. - Existential crisis or lack of purpose. An underactive root chakra can lead to feelings of insecurity or a lack of grounding. When the root chakra is overactive, you may experience: - Paranoia - Nervousness - Aggression - Dominant behavior - Hoarding - Material fixation - Addiction to adrenaline-producing activities - Overeating - Craving of unhealthy foods - Fearlessness without precaution An overactive root chakra can manifest as symptoms like anxiety, panic attacks, anger, aggression, and an overwhelming desire to engage in adrenaline-raising activities. While an underactive root chakra leads to feelings of insecurity, depression and lethargy, while an overactive root chakra causes paranoia, aggression and an unhealthy fixation on material things and adrenaline. Balancing the root chakra is important for grounding, stability and feeling secure in one's environment.
Root chakra: overactive vs underactive
Your Problem Isn’t Procrastination—You Just Need to Be a Little Bit Crazy
Hey there, fellow creators Let’s dive into a topic that many of us struggle with: procrastination. We’ve all been there, right? You sit down to work on that project, and suddenly, your phone is way more interesting than it should be, or you find yourself organizing your sock drawer instead of tackling that deadline. But what if I told you that maybe your problem isn’t procrastination at all? Maybe what you really need is to embrace a little bit of craziness. Think about it. Sometimes, we get so caught up in trying to be “productive” that we forget to let our imaginations run wild. We stick to safe ideas and familiar paths, and that can lead to a creative block. What if, instead of forcing yourself to work in a structured way, you allowed yourself to explore those “crazy” ideas that pop into your head? Being a little bit crazy means taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone. It’s about letting go of the fear of judgement and just creating for the sake of creating. When you give yourself permission to be unconventional, you might just find that the inspiration flows more freely. Maybe you need to try that wild concept you’ve been toying with or mix styles that don’t traditionally go together. Allowing yourself to be a bit unpredictable can spark new ideas and reignite your passion for your work. And let’s be real—sometimes, the most memorable and impactful creations come from those moments of “craziness.” Think about the artists, designers, and innovators who have changed the game. They didn’t play it safe; they took chances and embraced their unique visions. So, the next time you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself: Am I really avoiding work, or am I just stuck in a rut? Maybe it’s time to shake things up a bit. Try something new, let your imagination take the lead, and don’t be afraid to be a little bit crazy. Remember, creativity isn’t about following a strict set of rules; it’s about exploration and expression. So go ahead, embrace that wild side, and watch how it transforms your work. You might just find that the key to overcoming procrastination is to unleash your inner maverick.
Your Problem Isn’t Procrastination—You Just Need to Be a Little Bit Crazy
Fiverr logo maker... what do you think?
So I tried out the logo design feature with Fiverr as Victor suggested in the classroom vid. I was hoping i could get some input on this design. What do you think of this logo design? Do you like the one all in teal or with my handle in purple? What do you think of the slogan "Get Balanced"? Is it okay, or would it be better to drop the slogan? It costs $60 for this logo with a premium package. There is also the option for a dark purple colored background which might look cool on my youtube page. Otherwise, I think the others look clean. Your opinion matters!!
New comment 14d ago
Hi everyone...
Hi I'm Sharon. Super excited to be a part of the community. 🙏
New comment 16d ago
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