The truth is we don’t accept people around us. We don’t accept ourselves. We don’t accept situations. We feel acceptance a few times and think we have acceptance. In actuality we don’t. 3 pieces don’t make a whole pie. Acceptance is an enveloping field. It is a constant. With each acceptance we are walking toward and into this field. Once in it we will have acceptance always. Until then we will have it sometimes. This is ok. It’s a process. Be honest and see that we don’t have acceptance always. We have acceptance sometimes and we are growing in acceptance.
If we have any conflict or judgments towards others or life or self it is because we don’t accept. There is lack of acceptance. Hurts sit on top of resistance. Once we accept the what is then hurts dissolve. It’s that simple.
If I feel upset with something I know I am not accepting it. Don’t fight the what is. See that you aren’t accepting the what is. Focus on the acceptance instead of the fight.
How does this resonate? Any insights from this?