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Fighters in business.
Are there any other fighters on here in the online business world?
New comment 8d ago
Loneliness at the Top
One of the loneliest feelings in the world is climbing to the top of a mountain. All the effort getting there requires a unique level of commitment. You’ll face endless problems that normal people will never get to think about. And you’ll win trophies along the way too. But you can’t share those unique problems with anyone because no one can relate… And no one quite understands the weight of your wins to celebrate with you… So it ends up just being you, alone with your thoughts… I was at the top of that mountain about 5 years ago. At the end of an accomplished fight career I had a bunch of money in my account, and no where to go. I didn’t even know which road to take, let alone walk it with someone. But there was tribe on the peak of the mountain next to mine… So I walked towards it, not knowing where it would lead… And there I found The War Room. A tribe of warriors who trained together… Ate together… And shared victories together. They pushed eachother past their limits and built massive empires. They were kings among men, and they gave me direction and purpose. I was finally among guys who understood the problems I had faced. A real brotherhood that I could count on. And I never looked back. The truth is, without The War Room, I would’ve have quickly slide down that mountain… Back to where I came from, like a nobody… Like nothing had happened, and my achievements would have meant nothing. This is why I’ll always say, you need a network… But more than that, you need a brotherhood. You need The War Room. Message “WR READY” to me on telegram if you're interested.
Loneliness at the Top
"Luke, how do I make the move to Spain?"
I've been living in Marbella for about eight or nine years now, and I can honestly say it’s been the best decision of my life. The sun, the energy, the people—it’s a whole different world out here. And with the state of the UK today—violence, immigration issues, constant chaos—it’s no wonder so many of you are asking: "How do I make the move to Spain?" Brexit might have made things tougher, but I've found the solution: Marbella Visas. This team knows exactly how to get you out here, living the life you’ve been dreaming of. This isn’t just for those in the UK either—I’m currently helping guys from Canada too. So even if you’re not from the UK, you can still see what works for you. Marbella Visas will be able to help. If you’re a young entrepreneur looking to make a move, to get a taste of a different climate, a different way of life—this is your chance. But here’s the real deal—you need to be adaptable. It’s not the strongest or the largest who survive; it’s the ones who can adapt to change, especially in a world as unpredictable as this. Most people think sticking to one country, one bank, and one passport is the safest bet. But let me tell you, if they want to take what’s yours, they will. Your money, your house, your car—it can all be gone in an instant. So what’s the answer? You have to be ready to move, whenever and wherever you need to. You spend a little money now, but it could save you from a world of trouble down the line. That’s the power of being prepared, of having options. And here’s the BEST part... A Spanish visa doesn’t just get you access to Spain. It gives you access to the ENTIRE Schengen area—places like France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. One visa, multiple countries, total freedom to move. If you're serious about making a move, about getting out of the mess that is the UK or wherever you are, and finding a better way to live... Click here to find out how Marbella Visas can help you.
"Luke, how do I make the move to Spain?"
Choosing a Mentor
Age doesn't always equal wisdom. Just because someone's older doesn't mean they have all the answers. Be careful who you listen to. Before you blindly follow their advice, ask yourself: 1. Do they have the life I want? Even a little bit? 2. Can they teach me anything, even if it's lessons from failure? Always be critical about who programs your mind. Because their advice is shaped by their experiences, their worldview. And that worldview has led them to where they are now. If you don't want to end up like them, maybe their advice isn't worth following. Instead, look for the guys who inspire you. The ones whose life you want to emulate. Listen to them. Learn from them. Choose your mentors wisely. - Luke
New comment 25d ago
Choosing a Mentor
Toxic Masculinity
The idea of “toxic masculinity” isn’t real. Not only is it a complete failure in logic; it’s also a complete misunderstanding of what REAL masculinity is. REAL masculinity is: - Strength in adversity. - A stoic Ironmind. - Unshakeable discipline. - The desire to protect and provide. - Leadership in hard times. - Honor and integrity in every action. - A relentless drive for success. Sadly, the West has completely stripped away most of these traits from men today… They’re trying to convince an entire generation of young men to feel ashamed of their own inner strength and natural instincts. We now have societies where most strong men are afraid to embrace their natural roles as protectors, providers, and leaders. And weak men go around committing heinous acts of violence because they’ve been told to “be more in touch with their emotions.” The morale of the Western man is now so broken that there’s no more pride, no more honor in standing tall as a man. In WW1 and WW2, young men would lie about their age just for a chance to be on the front lines, to fight for their country. Because they understood what it meant to be a man. To face fear head-on. To protect what they loved. Today, we’re being told to abandon those instincts, to dull that warrior spirit. But here’s the truth: We NEED that spirit more than ever. The world is a battlefield in its own right, and it’s going to take strong, disciplined men to lead the way. That’s exactly what The War Room is about. The War Room is the single most sophisticated and capable class of masculine excellence on the planet. We are actively looking for warriors who have what it takes to join our ranks. Men who act with speed and lead with honor. It’s not a cakewalk, but nothing worth having ever is. If you’re willing to learn, to display true courage, and to stand among those who refuse to let society weaken them, then there is a place for you… DM “WR READY" to me on Telegram 👇
Toxic Masculinity
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