How to Actually Spend Your Time To Get Clients (The AM/PM Routine)
If you want to get more clients but you don’t know how to spend your time each day, this is for you.
I’m going to show you a simple framework for how to spend your time in the AM and in the PM to grow your business.
In the past, I sat down to work with no plan.
I would do a variety of things that felt good but didn’t move the needle.
I ended the day frazzled.
I would have been better off doing nothing.
When the bank account got low, I had to stop bullsh*tting and take a look in the mirror.
I asked:
How can I create a routine that guarantees I do the stuff that moves the needle?
The way I spend my time today is the answer to that question. And, it works.
I’m having a great quarter revenue-wise. I’ve landed 5 clients in just the last 2 weeks.
It’s all because of the routine.
The routine is broken into two sections, AM and PM.
*AM is for Advertising*
Alex Hormozi teaches a fire Q&A weekly inside the Skool Group called the ‘Skool Games”.
Here’s what he tells the group every week:
“Most of you don’t have traffic. No one knows about you. You don’t spend enough time advertising yourself. Do this for four hours per day and you will have more demand than you can handle.”
I’ve taken that advice to heart. Here’s how I spend the “advertise myself” portion of the day:
-2 hours creating content (videos & writing)
-2 hours reaching out to folks
I won’t break down how to create content here, as it’s more straightforward.
But, the reaching out part can be intimidating and confusing, I’ll admit.
Here’s how I do it:
If someone follows me on IG, I send them a natural message like:
“Great to connect on here. I love the niche you’re in. How’d you end up there?”
Now, you might think:
Oh, I hate that kind of thing. It’s so salesy. Those people are just trying to pitch me.
I totally agree with you. But, I’m not trying to pitch anyone.
Why would I? They don’t even know me. It would be weird.
At the same time, I am doing this for awareness and lead gen. So how do I balance “getting leads” with “not pitching people”?
I offer them to take a small next step.
Imagine they ask me what I do, and I tell them I help creators publish books.
It would be natural to follow up with:
“I actually just launched a free Skool group for creators who want to become authors. My book + courses are in there for free. I’d love to have you as a part of the community if you’re interested!”
If they say yes, I send the link. I’m just offering something free, and even asking permission before I send it.
To me, that feels right. It’s elegant, non-pushy, yet still outbound marketing.
I do the same thing when I get a new LinkedIn connection, or if someone comments on my content.
That’s what content creation is for. It’s to generate interactions where you can continue conversations that may/may not lead to people taking a gentle next step.
To summarize the AM practices:
-Spend 2 hours creating content
-Spend 2 hours reaching out to those who interact
*PM is for Service*
Now for the PM practices. This is where you work on serving your people (and doing a little admin).
For me, PM is about:
-Client work
-Product improvements
-Strategy calls
Client work = testimonials and referrals and happy customers.
Offer improvements = being able to charge more and edge out competition.
Strategy calls = clients.
Admin/email = has to get done. Best to do this in the PM when your brain is tired.
I like viewing my day in this simple fashion:
-AM is for advertising
-PM is for service
It simplifies things.
If I look at the clock and it’s AM, I know I should be promoting myself.
If it's PM, I should be serving.
More importantly, it just works.
I hope this helped.
Honestly, I needed to write this as a personal reminder for me, too.
Brian Ellwood
How to Actually Spend Your Time To Get Clients (The AM/PM Routine)
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