How To Get More Paid Members From Your Free Community
the simplest path is usually the best choice
... and despite skool's infancy - one path for growth and monetisation has shown itself to be the simplest and "best" (*so far)
running two groups
  • one free
  • one paid (high ticket)
--- and focusing on converting as many free to paid as possible
a reason this is so simple is it removes almost all friction
growing the "free" community is relatively straight forward
as long as there is something of high value in it for people, they'll join
and the rate and size of some people's skools reflect this
a few of my members run this model and see great success in filling their free groups
but that's where they hit a sticking point
they can get people INTO their free communities ...
... but getting them across to paid is a challenge
that conversion event becomes the constraint
the good news is this
there's a very simple solution for that too 👇
... and it's the one that makes people the most money
now, this solution is all about THE RULE OF ONE
when people enter your free community there is ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY you want them to do
all the focus is placed on them doing this one thing
all roads lead to them doing this one thing
all paths lead to them doing this one thing
--- scheduling a call (or, if you're like me, responding to a DM)
this call is technically a triage call
... but you frame it as a value call
a call that helps them:
  • discover how they can get the most value from the community
  • get 1:1 support from you
  • get quick wins
now, your intent for the call is different
it's to identify if people are a good fit for your paid offer
you want it to be 15 to 20 minutes long, and your whole intent is to
(a) build a relationship with the person
(b) identify where they are
(c) see if people can be ascended
(d) if not, plant the seeds for their ascension in the near future
as I said earlier, you make sure all roads lead to them scheduling the call
some great tools people have used to implement this include:
  • making it the only action they can take in their welcome DM they automatically receive when joining
  • having it in the first few sentences of their "welcome post"
  • making it step 1 in the "start here" module of their classroom
  • locking the entire classroom until AFTER they've had their call
once you'd done that, the aspect to oprimise is this 👇
the INCENTIVE to schedule the call
said another way --- WHY should they schedule the call ... what's in it for them?
at the moment, one framing that's working well is personally being walked through the community so they can get quick wins within the first week
it looks a little something like this ...
"if you're serious about achieving [desired outcome] - scheduling your welcome/clarity/integration/community name/celebration/strategy call with me is the best thing you can do
it's just 15 minutes long and I'll personally walk you through [community name] so you get exactly what you need. we'll also chat about where you are and what you can do to see some quick wins this week"
by underwhelming people and telling them to do JUST ONE THING when they join your community, you greatly increase the number of people who do it
the better your framing and "reasons why" to schedule the call, the better your booking rate will be
that all comes down to solving the incentive problem ...
... and make sure people are getting things they actually value on the call - not things you think they'll value
if not many people are booking in, you either need to:
  • improve the reasons why/incentives for scheduling the call
  • make sure scheduling the call is front and centre for them when they join your community
hope you found this educational piece insightful
p.s: if you're like me and you like things to flow with ease, prioritise getting them to respond to a DM. this means using a SPEAR structure (short, personal, expecting a reply). from there, you can essentially conduct the "triage call" in the DMs and in your own time. this completely removes the need for them to schedule a call, and getting a response is often much higher than leaving the ball in their court to click the link, find a time, enter their details, etc ... I've found the DM is much lower friction)
Nick Maier
How To Get More Paid Members From Your Free Community
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