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Making Skool Growth Simple
underwhelmed ... ... that's how I want people to feel when growing their skool communities the way to get there is ๐Ÿ‘‡ - clarity (and seeing reality) - simplicity - viewing things objectively knowing your math helps tremendously with this it gets you out of your head and INTO reality this video shows you how simple, easy, and straightforward it is to get to ... - $500 MRR - $1k MRR - $10k MRR - $30k MRR - $75k+ MRR and it helps you see, with clarity, where your resources need to go โœ… more traffic โœ… better conversion rates โœ… better retention from this state of clarity and underwhelm, you turn your attention to doing the things you need to do to move the needle forward with growing your community hope you find this educational video valuable nick
New comment 19m ago
Making Skool Growth Simple
Skool Games Almost Banned Me, So I'm Doubling Down ๐Ÿ˜ค
got a DM from Kirby ... ... one of my posts got flagged for "shady DM tactics" and trying to sell a $20k offer ... and the other was apparently "engagement farming" ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ both were "how I" posts that met the groups rules one shared how I made $16.5k in 48 hours just from inbound DMs the other shared how some of my members are seeing great success running the free > paid model and optimising for calls or DMs from new free members be careful out there, kiddos it's the wild west this brings me to two things firstly, I am so grateful and thankful for this group @Brian Campbell being able to just share straight value without any fear of reprimand is something I appreciate writing high-value posts daily is a goal of mine - and this community allows me to do that secondly, it brings me to goals --- specifically, to how I learned to set them to knock them down like dominos SMART goals are a thing of the past the new opportunity I've found with "goal setting" is to include ๐Ÿ‘‡ - specific, intentional language - breathwork - identity changes I set this goal less than two months ago "By December 31st, 2024, I receive $20,000 a month" I'm about to tick that off in a 10-day window notice the intentional use of "present" tense language? notice the intentional use of "by" to set the timeframe? psychologically, this works on two different levels the intentional use of "by" creates freedom for the goal to occur anytime between now and the end date this alleviates any stress, pressure, and anxiety we experience and detaches from the HOW and the use of "present" tense language begins to create the experience this goal has already happened to trick here is to use sentence structures beginning with - I am - my business - has example ๐Ÿ‘‡ ... I am a top 10% earner on skool ... my business receives $300,000 a year ... my community has 100 high ticket members we know the brain cannot dissociate between what it imagines and what is real
New comment 42m ago
Skool Games Almost Banned Me, So I'm Doubling Down ๐Ÿ˜ค
How To Get More Paid Members From Your Free Community
the simplest path is usually the best choice ... and despite skool's infancy - one path for growth and monetisation has shown itself to be the simplest and "best" (*so far) running two groups - one free - one paid (high ticket) --- and focusing on converting as many free to paid as possible a reason this is so simple is it removes almost all friction growing the "free" community is relatively straight forward as long as there is something of high value in it for people, they'll join and the rate and size of some people's skools reflect this a few of my members run this model and see great success in filling their free groups but that's where they hit a sticking point they can get people INTO their free communities ... ... but getting them across to paid is a challenge that conversion event becomes the constraint the good news is this there's a very simple solution for that too ๐Ÿ‘‡ ... and it's the one that makes people the most money now, this solution is all about THE RULE OF ONE when people enter your free community there is ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY you want them to do all the focus is placed on them doing this one thing all roads lead to them doing this one thing all paths lead to them doing this one thing --- scheduling a call (or, if you're like me, responding to a DM) this call is technically a triage call ... but you frame it as a value call a call that helps them: - discover how they can get the most value from the community - get 1:1 support from you - get quick wins now, your intent for the call is different it's to identify if people are a good fit for your paid offer you want it to be 15 to 20 minutes long, and your whole intent is to (a) build a relationship with the person (b) identify where they are (c) see if people can be ascended (d) if not, plant the seeds for their ascension in the near future HOW DO YOU GET THEM ON THE CALL? as I said earlier, you make sure all roads lead to them scheduling the call
New comment 2h ago
How To Get More Paid Members From Your Free Community
{Replay} Your Real IDEAL High Ticket Client ๐Ÿ‘‡
Want to know who the IDEAL High Ticket Buyer is for your $7K+ OFFERS? (1) STUDY this video, where I reveal how to spot them a mile away. (2) APPLY here to get on the waiting list for some new tools to get more high paying clients.
New comment 6h ago
{Replay} Your Real IDEAL High Ticket Client ๐Ÿ‘‡
My crazy idea: pay people to complete my program
I have this written out in more detail if you would like to help me dial it inโ€ฆ BTW- this is to help people who are burned out, worried, filled with regret and resentment find their intrinsic motivation, and live it out, so that they can recover the joy of living. The basics are there is a small buy-in of some amountโ€ฆ thinking $297. They complete the work in a certain time frame, get $900. They donโ€™tโ€ฆ they can have access to the training but they donโ€™t get the financial return on investment. What do you think?
My crazy idea: pay people to complete my program
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