Skool Games Almost Banned Me, So I'm Doubling Down ๐Ÿ˜ค
got a DM from Kirby ...
... one of my posts got flagged for "shady DM tactics" and trying to sell a $20k offer
... and the other was apparently "engagement farming"
both were "how I" posts that met the groups rules
one shared how I made $16.5k in 48 hours just from inbound DMs
the other shared how some of my members are seeing great success running the free > paid model and optimising for calls or DMs from new free members
be careful out there, kiddos
it's the wild west
this brings me to two things
firstly, I am so grateful and thankful for this group
being able to just share straight value without any fear of reprimand is something I appreciate
writing high-value posts daily is a goal of mine - and this community allows me to do that
secondly, it brings me to goals
--- specifically, to how I learned to set them to knock them down like dominos
SMART goals are a thing of the past
the new opportunity I've found with "goal setting" is to include ๐Ÿ‘‡
  • specific, intentional language
  • breathwork
  • identity changes
I set this goal less than two months ago
"By December 31st, 2024, I receive $20,000 a month"
I'm about to tick that off in a 10-day window
notice the intentional use of "present" tense language?
notice the intentional use of "by" to set the timeframe?
psychologically, this works on two different levels
the intentional use of "by" creates freedom for the goal to occur anytime between now and the end date
this alleviates any stress, pressure, and anxiety we experience and detaches from the HOW
and the use of "present" tense language begins to create the experience this goal has already happened
to trick here is to use sentence structures beginning with
  • I am
  • my business
  • has
example ๐Ÿ‘‡
... I am a top 10% earner on skool
... my business receives $300,000 a year
... my community has 100 high ticket members
we know the brain cannot dissociate between what it imagines and what is real
--- this technique helps to leverage that power of the mind
there are two more parts to this new "goal setting" framework I've been using
(a) breathwork
when I read my goals, I read them at 60% speed and take a DEEP belly breath after reading
to read them with intent, FEEL them in my body, and form new neural connections
we're so used to just reading to read that we take no real notice of what we're actually reading
slowing down helps to activate the reticular activating system
breathing between each one helps you to FEEL the energy activate in your body
... and it helps to beginning SEEING the goal in your mind as well
  • write in a present tense
  • use the "by month, day, year"
  • read at 60% speed
  • BREATHE after you've read the goal
(b) I also write down the BEHAVIOURS I need to do to achieve each goal
I write these in present tense
I read them at 60% speed
I BREATHE after reading each one
using my $20k goal as an example, my behaviours are ๐Ÿ‘‡
  • I show up where my ideal clients are
  • I share immense value, daily
  • I publish two YouTube videos a week
  • I support my clients to the best of my ability, daily
  • I focus on forming or deepening one connection, daily
  • My energy vibrates as high as it possibly can
  • I create custom offers
  • I only say YES to my ideal top 1% clients
these actions are where all of my energy and focus goes each day ...
... as I know that IF I do those things, my goal will be achieved with time
and it has
everything else I could do is trivial
it doesn't move the needle
but these few vital tasks do
the first principle of this process for goal setting is the work it does at the level of our IDENTITY
the specific way the goals are written helps a new identity to be formed
the specific 60% reading and breath helps a new identity to be integrated
the focus on specific actions helps a new identity be solidified
here's the specific, step-by-step process for those of you that are interested ๐Ÿ‘‡
  1. Write out your 90-day goals using the following sentence structure
"By month, day, year, I am/my community/my business ..."
2. Write down the vital few behaviours that, if executed consistently, cause the goal to come into effect
3. Read them aloud at 60% speed, taking a DEEP belly breath in between each one - once a day
our words are magic
--- as with our words, we create
hope you found this educational piece valuable
Nick Maier
Skool Games Almost Banned Me, So I'm Doubling Down ๐Ÿ˜ค
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