Proverbs challenge day 6
For Day 6 of the Proverbs Challenge, I chose Proverbs 6:6:
"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!"
I liked this verse as it highlights the importance of discipline and hard work. The ant is a powerful example of diligence and self-motivation, working tirelessly without needing someone to push it along. This reminds me that we, too, should be disciplined in our lives, not waiting for someone else to motivate us but taking initiative and working diligently in all we do.
Just as the ant prepares and stores up provisions, we should be proactive in our spiritual growth, our work, and our responsibilities. By doing so, we honor God with our efforts and set ourselves up for future success. This verse encourages me to adopt the ant's mindset—consistent, disciplined, and focused on the task at hand.
What about you? What verse from Proverbs 6 stood out to you? 🙂
Timothy Murphy
Proverbs challenge day 6
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