Proverbs challenge Day 9
For the 9th of August I read Proverbs 9, and the verse that really struck me was Proverbs 9:10: πŸ“–βœ¨
β€œThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
This verse highlights the foundational truth that true wisdom begins with reverence for God. πŸ™ It reminds me that wisdom isn't just about accumulating knowledge or being smartβ€”it's deeply rooted in our relationship with God. When we fear the Lord, acknowledging His power, holiness, and authority, we position ourselves to receive His wisdom. πŸ’‘
What about you? πŸ€” What stood out to you in Proverbs 9?
Timothy Murphy
Proverbs challenge Day 9
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