Do you currently play guitar at the level you want?
Right now, you live in a time where you have unlimited access to practically all the world’s knowledge.
You can learn how to do virtually anything you want for free.
Including how to play songs, read tab, play chords, licks, riffs, solos, music theory, whatever.
And if that’s not enough, you can buy online courses, join memberships like GuitarZoom and get access to thousands of step-by-step videos. You download apps that show you exactly where to place your fingers on the fretboard. You can download chord charts, scales, and entire books for free. Right now, you have access to more information about how to play guitar than any other time in history.
So, let me ask you a simple question…
Do you currently play guitar at the level you want?
Do you feel like you have reached your full potential?
Have you defined your goals and do you have a clear path to accomplish them?
Can you honestly say that you are a significantly better player today than you were a year ago?
If you answered, “No” to any of those questions, don’t feel bad because…
It’s NOT your fault.
You see, the majority of aspiring guitar players that I talk to are suffering from information overload, which causes confusion, which leads to being stuck because you have too many options, which leads to frustration and feeling completely overwhelmed.
And what’s worse, is hard-working folks like you think the answer is to “do more.”
So, you jump on your phone or computer and you start searching for answers.
You learn another riff or lick, another “tip or trick”. But in the end, you just don’t feel satisfied because deep down, you know you don’t have a structured plan to get from where you are now, to where you want to go.
You are alone.
And being alone is horrible.
Because we aren’t wired to be alone. We’re creative, social beings who prosper when we are in community working together and learning from each other.
And when you’re trying to learn guitar alone, it’s really hard.
Because it’s so easy to fall into the, “Knowledge Death Spiral.”
But when you work 1-on-1 with a professional instructor, you can set clear goals and get the help you need to achieve them.
You can collapse decades of learning into days.
So, if you’re serious and not just curious about learning guitar, then go ahead and book your call. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. :)
14 votes
Mat Bozic
Do you currently play guitar at the level you want?
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