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App Safety Score Saturday's is happening in 32 hours
🌟 Welcome to the Better Safe Than Sorry Cybersecurity Group 🌟 Are you ready to take the first steps in protecting your family and finances online? Here's everything you need to know to get started: 🚀 Our Mission: At THE BSTS CYBERSECURITY GROUP, we are dedicated to keeping children safe online and empowering parents and educators with the knowledge, tools, and a supportive community to safeguard their children. Together, we can build a safer environment and future for the next generation, ensuring that they can explore, learn, and grow in this digital world with security and positivity at the forefront. 📜 Community Guidelines: Before diving in, please familiarize yourself with our community guidelines. They outline what's expected and encouraged within our community. You can access the guidelines HERE 💡 How to Use Our Skool Platform: New to our platform? No problem! Here's a quick guide to help you navigate: 1️⃣ Explore: Take a stroll around the app! Click through each section to discover what’s on offer. 2️⃣ Engage: Jump into discussions, ask questions, and share your insights. Active participation is key to learning and connecting with others. 3️⃣ Courses and Resources: Dive into our courses and resources. There’s a treasure trove of knowledge waiting for you! Remember, engagement unlocks more courses. 4️⃣ Connect: Don’t hesitate to network with fellow members. Building connections enhances your learning experience within our community. 🔍 Use the Search Bar: Looking for answers or topics? Simply use the search bar to find relevant discussions and continue the conversation! 📲 Mobile App: Did you know? Skool is also available as a mobile app! Download it now for iOS and Android devices for easy access on the go.
User Feedback
We want to ensure that our community constantly improves and strives for bigger and better things. Please give us your feedback so we can do that. You can fill out the form HERE
Community Guidelines
1. 🚫 No Spamming: Nobody likes a cluttered inbox or feed. Avoid flooding the community with repetitive, low-quality, or irrelevant posts. Quality over quantity is the name of the game here. Let's keep things tidy and engaging for everyone. 2. 🚨 Report Any Issues: Your voice matters. If you encounter spam, inappropriate content, or behavior that violates our community guidelines, please report it promptly. Your vigilance helps maintain the integrity and safety of our community. 3. 🤝 Be Respectful: Treat others with the same respect you'd want for yourself. We all have different perspectives and experiences, so let's engage in discussions with empathy and understanding. Personal attacks, harassment, or derogatory language have no place here. 4. 😊 Stay Positive: Positivity is contagious! Let's cultivate an environment where members feel inspired, supported, and uplifted. Share your successes, seek advice when needed, and celebrate each other's achievements. Together, we can achieve greatness. 5. 🚷 No Antagonizing: Healthy debates are welcome, but let's keep things civil. Avoid engaging in confrontational or antagonistic behavior. Disagreements are natural, but they should be approached with respect and a willingness to understand different viewpoints. Let's build each other up, not tear each other down. 6. 🌟 Active Participation: Requesting to be leveled up without actively contributing to the community is not acceptable behavior. Leveling up should be a natural result of genuine engagement, valuable contributions, and active participation in discussions. Members found repeatedly asking to be leveled up without demonstrating their commitment to our community may be subject to removal. Let’s uphold the integrity of our group by encouraging organic growth and genuine engagement. 7. 🚨 Select the Right Categories: From now on, when posting, please ensure to select the appropriate category that best fits your topic. For example, Questions/ Chatting should go in the “Questions” channel, Success stories belong in the “Success” channel, and anything resource-related should be placed in the “Resources” channel. Let’s keep our channels organized and make it easier for everyone to find the information they need. Thank you for your cooperation!
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BSTS Cybersecurity Group
I help you stay safe online with easy step-by-step guides that take no time to do! Join us today, and stay secure!
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