Social Media Safety
Unlock at Level 2
Social Media Safety
Safeguard your child's social media experience. Learn privacy settings, tackle cyberbullying, and foster positive online behavior.
Safe Browsing Habits
Unlock at Level 3
Safe Browsing Habits
Equip your child with essential skills for safe internet navigation. Learn to spot threats and protect against scams.
Digital Citizenship
Unlock at Level 4
Digital Citizenship
Cultivate digital responsibility and understand the impact of online actions. Navigate the digital world with ethics and awareness.
Parental Controls and Monitoring Tools
Unlock at Level 5
Parental Controls and Monitoring Tools
Empower parents with essential tools. Master parental controls and monitoring software for safer online experiences.
Cybersecurity Awareness
Unlock at Level 6
Cybersecurity Awareness
Safeguard your family online. Learn to recognize threats and implement vital security measures for devices and data.
Gaming and Online Entertainment Safety
Unlock at Level 7
Gaming and Online Entertainment Safety
Ensure safe gaming and online entertainment. Learn to navigate risks, set boundaries, and foster positive gaming habits.
Online Relationships and Predators
Unlock at Level 8
Online Relationships and Predators
Equip kids to navigate online relationships safely. Learn to spot predators, set boundaries, and foster responsible digital citizenship.
Cybersecurity Tip's Tuesdays
Unlock at Level 2
Cybersecurity Tip's Tuesdays
This is were I will show you my favorite ways that I keep my information safe and out of the wrong hands.
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