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What is the main thing keeping you from reaching $10k per month now?
What is the main thing keeping you guys from hitting $10K per month?
New comment 11h ago
Please make an introduction post stating: -Your Age -Where you are from -How long you have been in High Ticket Sales -Why you got into High Ticket Sales -Your current monthly income -Your goal in terms of monthly income -Your long term goal
In this community ill help you get a role in 30 days
I will personally help you go from 0 to 10k per month by landing a high ticket sales role.
How to Become a Top 1% Salesperson and Achieve Massive Success
Ever wonder how some salespeople seem to close every deal and live the life most people only dream about? The secret lies in becoming part of the top 1% of salespeople in the world. But it’s not magic—it’s a mix of strategy, mindset, and consistency. Here’s how you can make it to the top and achieve success beyond your wildest dreams: 1. Master the Art of Listening The best salespeople know that selling isn't about talking—it's about listening. Top performers don't push a product or service; they ask the right questions and uncover their clients’ deepest needs. When you focus on solving a problem rather than just closing a sale, you build trust and long-lasting relationships, leading to bigger, repeat sales. 2. Develop Unshakeable Confidence Confidence is key in sales, and it’s not just about believing in yourself. It’s about truly understanding the value of what you offer and conveying that to your clients. When you know your product inside out and believe it’s the best solution out there, clients will feel that energy and be more inclined to trust you. 3. Focus on Value, Not Price Top 1% salespeople don’t compete on price—they focus on value. They understand that customers are willing to pay more when they see the immense benefits they’ll receive. Sell solutions, not features. If you can show how your product will transform your client's life or business, the price becomes secondary. 4. Invest in Constant Learning Sales is a skill that’s constantly evolving. The best salespeople never stop learning. They invest in books, courses, and mentorship. They study psychology, human behavior, and sales tactics. If you want to join the top 1%, you need to be obsessed with self-improvement and staying ahead of the curve. 5. Build a Resilient Mindset Sales comes with rejection, and the top 1% embrace it. They see every "no" as a learning opportunity and understand that rejection is part of the process. What separates them from the average is their resilience—the ability to bounce back quickly and keep pushing forward with unwavering determination.
New comment 8h ago
Guess who am I?
I used to be a shut-in introvert.. Made some quick bucks with crypto and fumbled it all (Sed 😔) All I could see was darkness around me, failures haunting me- with no path to tread upon.. And then YT algorithm did wonders and dropped a video on "Make money online 2024" 😁 Watched it.. took action.. and the decision to learn Copywriting boiled up.. (Evergreen skill + will help me in overall personality development) Guess who am I? You guessed it😉 This is Ludwell, your newbie copywriter that learns and grows by writing copy for experience, not money (not there yet😂) 18, India, in last year of my High School. I want to learn sales and communication, outreaching .. and overcoming my fear of camera.. the dread of talking with strangers.. and just make money I am currently making $0 but I want to reach $1k/month.. then a lil more.. then again a lil more.. Then a lot more.. slowly and steadily.. I am not into high ticket sales particularly. But I want to learn foundational sales (another evergreen skill) Hope y'all will take care of me..🙏✨ Regards, Ludwell
New comment 8h ago
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0-10k Sales Academy
In this community I will personally help you set up a successful High Ticket Sales career in 30 days
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